Chapter 9

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Taylor comes up to me and starts laughing.

"What's so funny?" I huff.

"That." He points behind me still laughing.

The principal is heading towards me.

I see his friends from a distance, laughing as well.

I suddenly have a wave of fear come over my body.

I turn back quickly to face Taylor.

"Did you tell them?!"

He just ignores me and continues laughing.

Tears come streaming down my face as the principal grabs my arm forcefully yelling "come with me."

As I 'follow' her, everybody stares, some whispering to each other, a couple laughing.

I step into her office and see Mr. Dallas standing there.

I gasp as I sit up in my bed.

I run my hand through my hair as I realize it was just a dream.

I stand up immediately and just shake my head, wiping away the thoughts of what just happened possibly coming into reality.

The only thing keeping me from not being scared is realizing it was just a dream.

Just a dream.


Cameron and I meet up at his house after school, well after school, and work.

I sit on his bed quietly as he grabs us a drink.

As he hands me the drink I say "Cameron."

"Yeah, what's up babe?" He replies.

"I had a dream last night and, and it was about us getting caught."

I sit closer to him as he's leaned back against the headboard on the bed, I lay my head on his chest and just let it all out.

He is rubbing my back.

"Babe. It's okay. I hate seeing you like this."

I'm getting frustrated at all this and just wish we could be a normal couple.

"But that's the problem! I'm tired of all this and I just wish we could be.. us!" I sit up now. "I hate seeing myself like this but I can't just let you, go."

Cam sits up and gets close to me.

"Alyssa. Listen." He pauses.

He sounds like he is going to bring bad news.

"Alyssa. I don't know how to say this, but. But I think we should take a break." He moves closer and starts talking faster.

"But not because I'm not starting to get feelings for you, it's just that, that look at what this is doing to you! I don't like to see you like this. I don't want you to have to worry about being caught with your teacher." Cameron says.

"But - but." I'm crying harder now. "But you're not just a teacher to me."

"And you're not just a student to me but that's how everyone else looks at it like so if they catch us, it'll be bad. Really bad." Cam says.

"But Cameron. I really like you. And I've done a lot to get us here." I say.

"Yeah and that's why you're such an incredible and an amazing girl. You're so amazing, you shouldn't have to do all this, you deserve better." Cam says back.

"I don't care what I deserve, I want you." I say as I put my hands in my face as tears come down my face.

I feel Cams arms wrap around me. I just enjoy the warmth of his arms. This might be the last time I feel this feeling.

"I'm sorry." Cam says. "But I think this will be the best choice for us. and if it's not, then just consider this a break. Okay?"

I take a long time to reply.

Cams arms were still wrapped around me as I was hugging him back.

But then I stand up. "Okay."

I start shaking my head wiping tons of tears away.

"Okay." I say again still wiping tears away.

I exit the door and just leave.

I couldn't stand to see him again and have him see me like this anymore.


I walk into Cameron's classroom, more mad this time, though.

"I just wanted to say something real quick." My voice is pretty loud and I am approaching him as I talk.

"I did so much to try and keep us together. I love you. But I loved us more than anything. So I didn't tell anybody, and you know I would have done anything to make sure we were going strong."

"I know. I'm-" Cameron starts.

"I'm not done." I cut him off.

"But no. You just drop it like its nothing. It's not fair, really. But I don't care anymore. If you don't care about us, then neither do I!" I basically yell then storm out the room.

I wish I didn't care about our relationship, but I do, and I can't help it.

I feel bad. I was starting to take it all out on Cameron, but I shouldn't have.

He's probably hurt too. I just used anger as an excuse for sadness.

And that wasn't fair to Cameron at all.

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