Chapter 12

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5 weeks later:
Cameron still hasn't woken up from the coma, and I'm so worried.

I visit Cam whenever I can; on the weekends a lot, and whenever I can after school.

Not seeing Cameron at school, even though we can't talk much, is different.

It makes me feel empty.

All it took was for him to not be around me for a while for me to realize that he makes me whole.


I walk into his classroom and just sigh as the sub starts talking.

I can't really focus, I just imagine him standing there being okay.

The school days feel slower. I just want to rush out of there and see him.

It was 2nd period when I got an idea- which turned out to be a really stupid one.

The bell rings as I run outside, but I just keep going.

Ditching is easier than it looks, just get the timing right.

It was a good feeling. Even though I would have to go back the next day and the next, I still felt freedom.

I snuck into my car and drove towards the hospital.


I open the doors to the hospital and smile at an old lady which I held the door for.

I start to go towards the elevator to the level Cameron is on.

As I wait in the elevator, my phone rings.

I barely even check to see the caller ID.

"Helloo?" I answer.

"Alyssa do we need-" She stops.

Wait. Why the hell would I answer the phone?

"Oh- I though today was a short day for you guys?" She says sounding a littler angrier and confusion. "I forgot you didn't- So why did you pick up the phone?"

I sit in silence for quite a few seconds but it felt like hours.

"You aren't going to see Cameron are you?" My mom basically answers for me.

"Um, Um." is all I can say as I step out of the elevator.

"Alyssa! You ditched school?!" My mom says.


I arrive home. I didn't even get to visit Cam because my mom ordered me to come home and she was MAD.

As I stepped inside, I huffed.

I was so upset I didn't get to visit Cameron. it sucks cause I can't tell my mom how much he means to me.

"Give me your phone and you're grounded." My mom says angrily and doesn't even sound finished.

"Mom, I just wanted to see if he's okay. Everybody wants to know so I thought I'd be the nice kid who finds out for everyone."

What am I supposed to say? That I'm visiting my boyfriend?

She only knows that I've visited him once or twice but I've visited him many more times.

"Okay, I get that you're concerned about him, but you don't need to be visiting him. He's just your teacher."

No he's not! ugh I just want to yell the truth in my mothers face.

Whatever. I can go without my phone for a couple days, I think to myself.

"NO MORE visiting Cameron! Got it?" My mom says.

That's not going to happen, I need to see him.

"Okay. Okay." I hand my phone to my mom and begin walking upstairs.

"Somethings not right here. I just don't get why you want to see him so badly." My mom says.

I stop in the middle of the stairs closing my eyes.

I just want this to be over. I want Cameron to be okay. And I want my mom to know, and be okay with Cameron and I dating.

But she won't be. So all I can hope for is him getting better. I would be so careful for just that, though.

"Well I already explained it to you so." Is all I can say and finish going up the stairs.

I got my phone back from my mom as I argued with her for a while.

I have my number on the emergency list from Cameron's hospital so I need my phone by me.

*phone ringing*

"Hello?" I answer to the random phone number.

"Ms. Dallas?"


Sorry I took so long to update!

But thank you so much for all the reads and favorites! :)

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