Chapter 18

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"Come over here with your cute ass." My drunk self giggles.

At this time everyone had slowed down their walking to see the dumb act I was about to perform.

I grabbed him by his tie and kiss him hard, in front of all my peers.

"Wow where'd you learn to kiss like that Mr. Teacher." I giggle some more as I fiddle around with his tie in my hand.

Some people with their phones recording, some people just in shock or laughing, they all had the same thought in mind.

What the hell just happened.


And that's exactly the thought I had as I woke up.

What the hell just happened.

I sit up in Laylah's bed.

I turn toward the clock. 7:47 pm

So that wasn't just a horrible dream, I actually was at school kissing Cameron in front of hundreds of students 4 hours ago.

I stand up when my headache kicks in.

"Laylah." I groan.

"Rise and shine. You're up bright and-"

"Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid today."

"What? Like kissing your teacher in front of your whole entire school? Eh I guess that's not the brightest idea."

"Laylah I'm being serious." I step closer. "I can't believe I did that."

I sit down on the step of the stairs where I met Laylah halfway.

"Yeah I know." She takes a seat next to me. "I wonder what's gonna happen. So many people took pictures."

I put my head in my hands.

"What happened after I kissed him?"

"Well I drove after you, as soon as you left. When your uber stopped, so did I. I was about a minute later than you but just close enough to follow."

"Then why didn't you stop me?!" I almost yell.

"I said I was a minute later, a lot happened in just that minute. When I walked in you were holding his tie and that's when it happened. I grabbed your arm right away and took you here."

I remember all of it as soon as she says it.

"Yeah yeah I remember now, sadly."

"I let you sleep when we got home, to sleep some of the alcohol off. Never seen you get drunk so early in the day." She laughs.

I look over and just mug her. She can't really take situations seriously, it upsets me sometimes.

I reach into my hoodie pocket and grab my phone.

I stand up and go to Cameron's number and it starts ringing.

He answers pretty quick.

"Can I come over?" I ask. we need to talk.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea." He pauses for a while.

"Cameron I'm so sorry. I just" I start crying immediately.

Cameron's going to loose his job, reputation, and get in possibly huge trouble because of me.

Thinking of all the trouble he could get it makes me cry more.

"I don't know what to say. Why would you?"

"I was wasted. I'm so stupid." You can hear the disappointment in my voice.

"You're not stupid. it was a mistake. but this mistake will ruined me. and ruined us."

The words hit me hard.

I'm lost for words, I can't believe what I did.

"I'll talk to you later." Cameron hangs up.

I drop my phone and cry harder than I think I ever have.

All of the bad things I've done while being drunk come rushing back to me.

But this was the mistake that hurt me the most.


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