Chapter 20

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Cameron POV:

*8 missed calls from alyssa*

We both messed up badly. I didn't know whether to call it messing up or her just making a really stupid choice.

I'd never seen her like that, drunk so that she couldn't control herself. i didn't like it.

I missed her. but at the same time I lost my job. but at the same time I missed and loved her more than anything my job could give me.

My thoughts have been everywhere lately. It confuses myself just thinking about it.

I'm just so worried about tomorrow morning, I had to go into the school and talk to the principal, and Alyssa.

After a couple minutes of continuous scatterbrained thoughts, I decided I'd call her back.


Alyssa's POV:

My phone finally rings with Cameron's name on it. I answer quickly.

"Cam." I answer with.

It was silent for a minute which worried me.

I wondered if he was thinking that everything's screwed up because of me.

That's when I break the silence, "Are you okay?"

"No. Actually I'm not. I lost everything Alyssa. And we're, I mean, I'm not even at the worst part yet."

Cameron changing "we're" to "I'm" broke my heart. All I heard is that there is no more us.

"I know Cameron. I can't even begin to say how sorry I am." I reply so genuinely, being sorry is the only thing I'm sure about right now.

"I know you are. But honestly you should be. Sorry. I. I don't mean to sound rude but I just, I don't know." He replies.

He sounds broken. He doesn't even know what he's saying.

"Cameron." Is all I can manage to say.

"Alyssa I could be in big trouble. I'm talking court. I don't know exactly the rules on teacher-student relationships, but you are still a minor. If they ever think that we had sex."

I reply quickly, "But we didn't yet."

"Yeah but it was a m-" He stops himself. "i mean it was wrong. You know I was always trying to change that but all I could think about was how I can get in trouble."

Tears roll down my face. Cameron thinks we were just a mistake. I thought they reason we hadn't had sex yet is because I wanted it to be special, not because he was worried for himself.

I think he heard me crying when he says, "I didn't mean to hurt you. and I still don't want to. but Alyssa after tomorrow, I could be in jail."

"I know I'm so sorry. I fucked everything up." I say in a passionate voice. That was the other thing I was sure of. I was a fuck up.

"You're not. Please don't. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." Cameron says.



I wake up the next morning with my eyes barely open.

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