Chapter 15

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Alyssa's POV:

Sitting in bed I realized something.

I don't have anymore friends. I thought Marie would never leave me so I never really went out of my way to make friends.

I'm not close to my mom anymore. Every time I'm around her and any kind of conversation about boys comes up, I get so nervous and panic.

So then it hit me that, that all I have is Cameron.

Not that it's a bad thing, it's the best thing ever. but it's also scary because I can loose him at any moment, but I can't let that happen.

The bell rings at the end of school, as Marie's little friend comes up to me.

She's laughing, why is she laughing?

I gulp loudly.

"Nervous?" She smirks. "Don't get nervous around me, it's the principal and such you should be worried about."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"At any moment, I can let out your little secret."

"Yeah right. How could you do that?" I step closer, confident she doesn't have anything.

"Back up." She laughs again. "Do you wanna see? or should I them?" She points at a large group of people.

"What? What do you have?" I ask, once again nervous.

She pulls out her phone and shows me a picture of Cameron and I kissing!

How does she have that?? We were in the hospital??

"I have the power for you and Cameron to break up." She says more reminding herself than telling me.

"Please. Please don't."

"The names Selena by the way." She smirks walking away.


What am I going to do? I just want to give up.

But if I give up, I'm giving up on Cameron and I can't do that.

I dial the nurses number to get ahold of Cam.

"Hi, this is Alyssa." I say as his nurse picks up.

"Oh, Hello Alyssa. Would you like to talk to Cameron or do you have questions for me?"

"Can I talk to him? Thanks."

"Alyssa? Hi babe I miss you." Cameron says. He sounds really tired.

"This girl at school got a picture of us kissing Cam, and it's real." I burst into tears.

"Babe. Stop worrying. I love you, and I love our relationship. And I won't let anyone or anything tear us apart."


What Cam said, hit me.

Love is strong, and we're strong.

The fact that he's not worried, and is more concerned about making me feel better made me fall in love with him again.

The next day I cared less about everything else, and more about Cameron.

I walked in to school to find Selena yelling at her boyfriend.

Maybe she's just a bitch in general?

As she storms away from him, I go and talk to him.

"Hey I'm Alyssa. How do you put up with that?" I laugh.

After he doesn't laugh, I clarify I was kidding.

"I'm completely joking."

He finally talks.

"I don't know how I put up with it, she threatens me all the time. She says if I leave her, she'll hurt my little sister and such. I'm honestly worried and I don't know what to do." He opens up.

I just sit there, shocked at how much he opened up to me.

"So what's your name again?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah sorry. I just never get to talk to people because people are scared of my girlfriend." He slightly laughs.

"My names Shawn Mendes."

"Well hi Shawn. I'm kinda low on friends so maybe we can both talk?"

"I'd like that." He smiles.

Shawn and I just go sit in front of the school, the school day is over anyways.

"So i told you my main problem, what's on your mind?" Shawn asks.

"Well. Um."

He notices I'm struggling.

"Oh um by the way, I know about the picture and you and Cameron. Selena showed me and was very humored by it. But before you say anything, I don't care that you guys are seeing each other. I just don't judge people."

"Well thank you. Yeah I'm just nervous about her showing more people and such. Do you think it's weird?" I ask hoping for an honest answer.

"Well I think that the age difference isn't that big, and you guys love each other. It's just his job that makes you guys illegal unless you know. But yeah."

I smile. I really like Shawn, he's already so sweet.

"So what do you do in your free time?" I smile again.

"I like to sing."

Cams song Take You came out yesterday on Soundcloud and I love it so much omg.

But sorry for not updating in a while but thanks for reading and for the votes 🙂❤️

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