Chapter 13

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"Ms. Dallas?" The woman's voice says through the phone.

"Yes this is her." I smile slightly, the name gets me for some reason.

"Hello. My name is Jolene, I work at the hospital and am looking over your partner Cameron Dallas."

My smile fades as I realize this call might be for a bad reason.

"What happened? Is he okay?" I ask suddenly concerned.

"No, no. He's fine. I have great news actually."

My smile comes back.

"What? What's the news." I'm so anxious to hear and I know she can tell.

I can basically hear her smiling through the phone.

"Now don't freak out ma'am, but Mr.Dallas seems to be starting to wake up." She says happily.

My smile turns so big.

"That's, Thats great!" You can hear the excitement in my voice.

"So when can I visit him?!" I ask.

"I'm in charge right now so you can come down now and I'll make sure you can talk to him for a couple minutes. It's important for him to be hearing family and just the people he loves' voices right now."

"Okay oh my gosh. Thank you so much!"

I hang up and grab my keys, sunglasses and am about to run down the stairs when I remember something.

I'm not allowed to visit Cameron anymore.

Of course I'm going to anyways, but I don't know if my mom is home from work yet.

I walk down the stairs somewhat quietly looking for my mom.

I'm pretty sure she's not here.

I run outside and lock the door behind me and head on my way.


Cameron's POV:

My eyes slowly start opening.

Where am I?

My vision is a little blurry and slowly focusing in.

How long was I sleeping for?

After many blinks, my eyes are pretty focused as I see some lady dialing fast on a phone.

I look around more. Why am I in a hospital?

The clock shines bright at me on the wall: 3:47 pm.

The lady has been off the phone for a minute or so but calls other people.

I see somebody else walking into the room.

The lady nurse or whatever stands up and says "Hi, Gina."

It's my mom!

She walks up closer looking me in the eyes and talking, I'm so tired, I can't focus on what she's saying.

She looks sad but happy at the same time. Is something wrong with me?

The doctor walks in and they all start talking.

I start falling asleep. I don't get what's happening, I'm confused, exhausted and kind of scared.

My body feels so weak and I actually feel sore, I don't know why.

I haven't moved much.

Another person comes running in. I look closer and it's my sister Sierra.

"How is he?" She sounds really concerned and walks up to me fast.

I can hear better now and I understand what she's saying.

"Cam, Cam. Are you okay?"

I just stare and she smiles.

I smile back and they all look shocked.

I guess I haven't moved at all so this was a big deal? I'm not sure.

Sierra hugs me tight and I move my weak arm to put my hand on her back.

My mom grabs my hand and starts crying.

This has me feeling worried though. Something terrible must've happened, it seems like a big deal.

Alyssa's POV:

I walk around asking where his room is and I finally get someone's attention as they direct me there.

I peek inside his room to make sure it is his room when my heart drops.

I didn't even think about that. His family is here, obviously.

I back up and walk slowly away.

I really wanted to see him. But how would I explain who I am? It's okay, family time is important for him.

Cameron's POV:

After another nap, I look around again.

My mom and Sierra are still here but they're sitting in chairs now.

I look at the clock again: 4:54 pm.

Wait. Where's Alyssa? I miss her and I want to see her.

The doctor walks in and smiles at us.

He's basically talking to just my mom, thinking I can't really understand what he's saying, but I can.

"So I'm going to explain what happened again, just in case Cameron can understand what I'm saying. I don't want him to be terribly confused." The doctor says.

I'm nervous to hear what happened to me.


I'm so shocked. I was in such a bad car accident and I was in a coma!

A coma??

I feel like I was just sleeping.

The thought of what happened to me scares me so much.

I'm so happy I'm okay and hopefully I continue this way.


Yay!! He's okay :)

Thank you for reading and I'll update soon! 😊

Mr. Dallas // CDWhere stories live. Discover now