Chapter 11

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Tears are pouring down my face as I keep calling Cameron waiting for an answer.

I know that he's not going to answer but I just need to hear his voice.

I can't take it anymore. I jump in my car and drive to the hospital nearest to where it says the car accident was, I assume he'll be there.

I run in and say excuse me quite the amount of times before I could actually catch the attention of someone.

Finally a lady says "ma'am what do you need?"

I walk up to where the lady is now standing behind a desk.

She sits back down as I'm standing right in front of her.

"Could you like, check on somebody for me?" I say.

"It depends the situation, what's the name?" The lady asks.

"Cameron Dallas. He's my boyfriend and I think he was in a car accident and-"

I cut myself off nervously.


It's okay maybe she doesn't know he's a teacher.

"Ok well anyways is he here? Is he okay?" I'm talking really fast.

"Just a second ma'am" she says starring at her computer screen.

I wait impatiently.

My foot is tapping really fast on the floor. I'm so anxious. I need to see him.

"Mr. Dallas huh?" She pauses, my heart drops thinking she means as in a teacher.

"He's in room 136. There was impact to his head and he's in a coma" She reads off her computer then looks up at me before saying; "I'm so sorry."

Tears slowly fall down my face. I feel so dizzy.

I walk slowly and slanted and take a seat. I can barely stand, this can't be real.

The last time we actually talked I was yelling at him for breaking us off.

But it wasn't over. Me and him both knew it wasn't.

We need each other.

I crave him. I crave the feeling of being with him. I crave the feeling of when our hands touch or when he pulls me in for a hug.

I wipe some more tears away and look around at the waiting room from where I'm sitting.

I think about the possibilities of why each person could be here.

It's weird being in a hospital, everyone is here for a bad reason.


I've been sitting in this chair in the waiting room for 40 minutes.

I don't even know what I'm waiting here for, really.

I guess I just want to see my goofball walk out from the door yelling "sike!" As I run and jump into his open arms.

I walk back up to the same lady behind the desk.

"Excuse me, again." I pause. "Will there be a time soon that I could visit Cameron Dallas?"

"Well they usually only let immediate family visit people in a coma, but I'll make sure you get to see him." She slightly smiles.

I smile at the kindness. "Thank you."

"Hold on just a second. I'm going to go talk to somebody and get you in, Ms. Dallas." She winks and slightly smiles.

It takes me a second to realize what she means when she says that, at first thinking she was just teasing me.

But then I noticed, she's going to tell the guy that I'm his wife-immediate family.

I think about it for a second-potentially being his wife.

"Ms. Dallas" in that lady's voice runs through my head.

I would actually one day marry Cam. It took me a while to realize because I was so focused on not getting caught that, he is the love of my life.

"Ms.Dallas can you please come over here?" That same lady says standing with a male.

I walk over and follow them through a couple sets of doors.

Room 136.

I step inside slowly.

I see him laying down on the hospital bed.

I start crying but only because I'm seeing my love.

He doesn't look that bad, like hurt, he's just out of it.

I take a sit in the chair near his bed and put my hand over his hand.

I was right. This is the love of my life.

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