Chapter 6

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Samantha's POV

When I went back to the Colonel he wasn't really pleased. Yikes. "What the hell are you and agent Carter doing here?" He asked slightly pissed. "We wanted to help Rogers, sir." I said. "Well go help him somewhere else." He said with a hint that I should go away.

For the next 30 minutes I just went to fly around the base a bit. When I went back to the ground I saw Steve walking with a whole group of people and 3 tanks or so. "Some of these men need medical attention." Steve said to the colonel. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action." "That won't be necessary." The colonel said. "Yes, sir." Steve ended. "You're late." Peggy said firmly. "Couldn't call my ride." Steve said. I didn't know what was going on but I kew they liked each other. How you ask? I'm an Asgardian goddess. I'm sure you can figure the rest out. "Hey!" Bucky yelled. "Let's hear it for Captain America!" I smiled and began to applaud. He really did well. The rest of the people began to applaud too. Steve went to London with us to put the places he saw at the map from HYDRA on our own map.
He remembered it pretty well. I had to go away somewhere else. I didn't axcactly listen when they
told me.

The next day they were preparing an attack on the train where Dr. Zola should be on. He helps Schmidt with the weopons for HYDRA. "Hey Steve. How are you?" I ask with a sweet smile. "I'm okay. Thanks Sammy." He said with nervoussnes written all over his face. "Look I know you're nervous but you don't have to. You've got great men an you're going to do a great job." I say to him with a confidential smile. "Thanks Sammy. You always know what to say to keep me calm." Steve said with some more confidence. "Of course I know what to say. You've my best friend since I was three." I say blushing a little. "You're the best Sammy." He says and gave a small kiss on my cheek. I blushed a little more. I gave him a big hug and he had to go.

*After the mission.*

Steve was devastated. And I can't blame him. He lost one of his best friends. I went to his room. "Steve?" I ask with concern in my voice while knocking on the door. "If you don't let me in in 5 seconds I will storm in. And you know I will." I said. "5.... 4.... 3.... 2...." That moment the door was open. "Good choice." I commented. He grumbles. "What do you want?" He asks a little too snappy. "Hey I'm just concerned about you. And it's not my fault. And neither is it yours." I say a little sassy. "I know, I know. It's just. I just saw one of my best friends die. You can't really progress that in 2 hours time." He said while tears fill his eyes. "Hey come here." I say while opening my arms signaling that he can get a hug. He walks into my arms and hugs me tightly. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault." I whisper in his neck among other soothing things. "Thanks Sammy." He said while wiping away the tear stains. "I really needed that." He says with a sad smile on his face. I smile back. "Anytime Steve." I say. "You should probably fresh up a little. Your eyes are all red and puffy." "Thanks again Sammy. I couldn't wish for a better best friend." He says. "I'll always be there for you." I whisper almost unhearable. But he heard it and smiled at me. "You should probably go. I think they are already planning your next mission." I say with a playfull smile. He hugs me again and rushes out of the room.

Steve went to his next mission and Peggy an I had to go with him. I was quite excited actually. Not like nervously excited but excited like a young who is promised a new toy. Our plan was incredible but very, very risky. But I think it's going to work.

Everything went as planned and all was going well until we heard Steve's message. He had to put the plane in the water. The Ice to be more specifically. He wouldn't survive this. "Please don't do this Steve." I practically begged. "Yes Steve we have time." Peggy says. "Sammy, Peggy. This is my choice." Steve said his voice full of sadness but also bravery. "Don't you dare die. Understood?" I said with tears streaming down my face. "Yes ma'am." He joked. "Peggy. I'm gonna need a raincheck on that dance." Steve said. "All right." Peggy said also with tears streaming down her face. "A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club." Peggy says. "You got it." "8 o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?" "You know, I still don't know how to dance." "I'll show you how. Just- just be there." "We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hat to step on your-" Steve was cut of and couldn't finish his sentence. "Steve?" I asked worriedly. "Steve?" Peggy repeats me. It was done. Steve was somewhere in the ice and most likely dead.

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