Chapter 19

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Isabelle's POV

After Samantha did Stronger by Kelly Clarkson everyone wanted her to sing ringtones or voicemail messages. She was really boosting my popularity. And I really love her for, not only that but also so many more things. She's like my older niece or sister. Very soon English ended and we had to go to our next period. Mechanics! Tony is going to love this.

"Hey Tony!" I say and he turns to me. "Yeah?" He says. "Next period is mechanics." I say and I grin. He grins too and I see a plan forming in his head. "If you have a plan then I want to help." I say. "You can't. I'm going to teach the teacher in mechanics a lesson today." Tony says and he grins even wider. "I know I'm going to like this. You see the teacher isn't exactly the nicest." I see and Tony now grins evilly. "I have the perfect plan." He says.

When we get to mechanics I see him already standing there. He doesn't look mean like always but he looks shocked. "Tony Stark is at my lesson." He says. "And the other Avengers, thank you very much." Samantha says and I smile. "That's Mysteria. I'm related to her." I say. "Yeah, sure you are." The teacher says. "Well actually I am. Well not by blood but... You know it's a very, very long story that I'm not going to tell." Samantha says and his jaw drops. Samantha walks over to him and puts two fingers under his chin. "Close your mouth sweetie. You're catching flies." She says and walks into class. I follow her and we high-five. The rest of the Avengers are already sitting at the huge table no one wants to sit at except Mary, Lola and I. "Why does no one else sit here?" Clint asks. "Because Mary, Isabelle and I always sit here." Lola says. "We weren't exactly popular." Mary says. "But now we probably are." I say. "Alright class we are going to get a lesson mechanics from the one and only Tony Stark." The teacher says. "Alright, I just need some supplies." Tony says as he walks into the storage with a huge box.

After a few minutes Tony comes back with the box fully filled. "Now I need a huge table." Tony says as he looks around. "Looks like the Avengers and three lovely young ladies of this very class got it. I can do my work there." Tony says as he walks to us. "And with the three lovely young ladies I mean, of course, Isabelle, Mary, and Lola." Tony says. "And you know who I mean with the Avengers." He ends his sentence. Tony began to work and it looked like Lola knew what he was making because she began to help him. In 5 minutes they were done and all the supplies were worked into a machine. A mini version of the Iron-Man suit. Only it didn't work. "This-" Tony begins as he holds up the mini Iron-Man suit. "-is a mini version of my famous Iron-Man suit. But it doesn't work. Why not? You may ask. Well that's because of two reasons. One: I can't just leave a working Iron-Man suit here without any protection. And two: I simply can't make a working Arc-reactor wich you can use without dieing." Tony explains. "Tony I got an idea." Samantha says. "Someone bring me sand. And I mean a lot of sand." She says and I look at her like she's crazy. She looks at me with slight amusement and I know she has a plan. "Why do you want-" the teacher begins but Samantha cuts him off. "Just get the damned sand, alright." She says and the teacher just nods. The teacher walks away and rumour starts.

"If you want me to whistle again you really have to keep talking." Samantha says and everything almost immediately quiets down. "Right. Okay I don't want you guys just talking when the teacher is not in here." Samantha says. "It's disrespectful and I'm not okay with that. My motto is: People won't be respectful to you if you're not respectful to them. So if you guys are not respectful to the teacher then the teacher has no reason to be respectful to you. Okay I'm done." Samantha says and everyone just looks down. "Oh and I heard-" Samantha looks through the class and then to one face. "-really Clint you had to talk while I was talking? Really?" She asks and Clint just shrugs. "Anyways if I hear anyone talking when you're not supposed to I will personally give you a warning." She says. "Okay now I'm done." She says as she sits back down. Then the teacher walks in with sand. A full box of sand. "Excellent. Now where can I heat the sand up without burning the whole school down?" Samantha asks and I chuckle at the way she asks the question. "In the chemistry lab is a special room for super-heated projects." I say. "Alright. Let's get to the chemistry lab." Samantha says and walks away. Everyone follows and soon we arrive at the chemistry lab. Everyone stares at us.

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