Chapter 26

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Samantha's POV

Once Tony told me that Percy described the guy on his left as blonde haired, blue eyed and very muscly, I was 99% sure that that was Steve. We tried to come up with a plan but soon gave that up since we were all in seperate rooms. I tried to come up with a plan on my own without showing my powers. I thought about it for a while but came up with nothing. What can I do without showing my powers? I thought. There has to be something! I got frustrated and punched the wall. That's right. I punched a concrete wall. It hurt a bit and I left a permanent dent in the wall. Oh well. I walked around and tried to calm down. If I got too angry my hand or something would burst into flames. And it wouldn't be good if that happened.

Eventually I walked to the steel door and looked trough the bars. "Bane! What are we supposed to do here? Just wait or can we do something actually entertaining?" I yelled trough the bars. I heard heavy footsteps slam against the concrete floor. Seriously? Concrete walls and floors? Guess a designer was too expensive. I thought. After a few seconds Bane stood in front of my door. "Would you like to answer some questions?" He aksed and I shrugged. "Sure. Just don't expect me to answer every single one of them." I said as I stepped back. "Oh I'm not expecting that." He said as he unlocked the door and opened it. I walked out and immediately Bane grabbed my wrists and put handcuffs around them in front of me. "Aww. You don't trust me? Such a shame." I said, mocking hurt in my voice. "But let's get to business. If you ask me a question and I answer it then I get to ask you a question. Deal?" I asked him. "Sure." He said and I smiled. After a few minutes of walking we came to a different room that looked the same as all of the other. We walked in and Bane cuffed me to the table. "Okay. Fire away." I said and sat down in the chair. "How old are you?" He asked. "Sixteen. Why are my friends here?" I asked him. "So they can't rescue you from the outside and maybe they have important information too. Why are you friends with Iron Man and two assassins?" He asked and I leaned back in the chair. "Like i said, Nick Fury is a friend of mine so naturally he let's me meet some people. Some of those people being Iron Man and two master assassins. What is this place?" I asked him. I was really curious. "This is a jail you will never be able to get out of. Why did you start at SHIELD at such a young age?" Bane asked and I quickly came up with a believable lie. "My parents were both SHIELD agents. They made me an agent before they died. And what is that supposed to mean? A jail we will never be able to get out of?" I asked. "It means that it's impossible to get out of here without someone letting you out." Bane said. "I have no more questions for you." He said and uncuffed me from the table. He brought me back to my cell and uncuffed my hands, then shoved me through the doorway. "Rude much." I muttered to myself and heard the door slam shut.


After a few days I was getting tired of waiting and made a decision. I was going to melt the door. So I stood in front of my door while heating up the lock when Tony and Peter asked me what I was doing. "Just melting the lock of this door." I said casually. After a few minutes I heard the door click open. I turned the handle and pulled the door open. I did the same with everyone else's doors. We got together and tried to form a plan. "Okay, Samantha. What information do you have?" Steve asked. "This Bane guy said that this jail is impossible to escape." I said and Steve nodded. "Let's see what we can find and then escape." Steve said. We all nodded and u guided them the way to where the room was I was interrogated in. From there on we would see where we had to go. "Sam, can you keep track o where Bane is by searching for his mind? You know, so we don't run into him." Tony said and I nodded. "I can. But one of you guys would have to guide me to where we are going. I can't search for someone's mind and then walk in the opposite direction on my own." I said and they nodded. Peter decided that he would do it. He draped an arm over my shoulder and I closed my eyes. I searched for Bane. "Turn around! He's two corners away from us and he's coming this way!" I whisper-yelled. Peter picked me up in his arms bridal style and began to silently run the opposite way from where we were going. I opened my eyes, wanting to see what was going on. We ran into some sort of room where there was no roof. Only the blinding sunlight shining down on the ground. I jumped out of Peter's arms and inspected our situation. "This is going to be hard." I said. "Okay, I'm going to fly two of you up at once. Who's first?" I asked them. Peter and Percy said they would go first. They both grabbed my waist and I flew up. It was a long flight up. I dropped them off at the edge and flew back down. Next was Tony and Natasha. Then Steve and Clint. When I was sure that everyone was up we began to walk around. "How are we going to get back to New York?" Clint asked and I shrugged. "I can fly back and bring a helicopter here?" I suggested. "That's the best option we have." Steve said and I nodded. I took off and went to New York faster than the speed of sound, following the source of where Nick's mind was.

After a few minutes I was at the Helicarrier and u stormed in. I ran to Nick's office and opened the door. Before I came in Nick was pacing with his hands behind his back. When I opened the door he looked at me and his eye widened. "Where have you been? Where are the other Avengers and that Percy kid?" Nick asked frantically. "We were kidnapped and I flew back here to get a helicopter. The others are still there." I said and Nick nodded. We walked out of the office, Nick shouting instructions in his earpiece. We walked to the deck. Nick went with the pilot and I flew up again. I searched for Natasha's mind. When I found it I let myself go that way. Not too fast for the helicopter but also not too slow.


After a few hours all of the Avengers and Percy were back at the Helicarrier. Percy said he had to go back to camp Half-blood since he had been away for about a week. Nick was reluctant to let him leave but when I glared at him he nodded and let Percy leave. I was now back at my house, minding my own business. Sitting on the couch, once again with a mug if hot chocolate. Hot chocolate was to me like coffee is to other people. But as i was saying, i was sitting on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate, watching crappy reality TV, when I got a call from a very familiar number. "Yes, Leo?" I asked. "Guess what I invented?" He asked, a grin obvious though the phone. "A demigod proof phone?" I asked sarcastically. "You always know! Anyways, do you know where Percy is? He hasn't shown up lately." Leo asked and I sighed. "The agency I work for, SHIELD, captured him. Then, he, the other Avengers and I got captured by this guy called Bane. We escaped in four days. Mostly because I was too stubborn to not use my powers. But anyways,Percy should be back any time." I explained. Then, I heard something hitting the ground loudly and a scream, probably from Percy. "PERCY JACKSON WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I heard an angry Annabeth shout, followed by Thalia, telling him to go to his cabin and think about what he's done. I snorted in laughter. "Seems like Percy has arrived." I said while trying not to snort again. "Seems like it. Anyways, I wanted to ask you something else, do you think, maybe, I could meet the Avengers one day?" Leo asked timidly. This was the first time I had ever heard Leo be shy so I was in shock for a few seconds, but quickly composed myself. "Sure. I'll tell them and I'll let you meet them as soon as they have time." I said and I could swear that Leo was trying to suppress a squeal. "Thank you! You are awesome!" Leo said and I chuckled. "I know." I said and hung up. That day I just continued drinking hot chocolate, at some point switching from the crappy TV to the incredibly awesome The Hobbit trilogy, followed by the Lord of the rings trilogy.

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