Chapter 14

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Samantha's POV

Steve left for Germany while I had to show Peter around. Because he only trusts me and Steve. So I showed him my room and Steve's room for if there is something wrong and I showed him his room. "So this is your personal room." I say and Peter goes to take off his mask. "Don't! They might have security cameras in here." I warn him and he lowers his hand.

After about an hour or two of talking and laughing Steve and Iron-Man came back with Thor and Loki. "Hey Thor." I say as I give him a hug. "Hello Lady Samantha." He says as he hugs me back. "You know each other?" Iron-Man aka Tony Stark asks. "No we don't know each other. That's why we hug and know each other's names. What do you think Tony?" I sass him while pulling away from Thor and putting my right hand on my right hip. "Ohh feisty. You're okay." Tony says. "I'm not okay. I'm awesome." I sass. "Yup you are. I'm not going to win this. I know that already." Tony says and I see Steve smile. "Damn right you can't win this." I say. "Okay I give up." He says as he raises his hands in surrender.

"Since everyone's here I think we have something to do." Nick says as he looks at Peter in his Spidey suit. "Alright. Here goes nothing." Peter says as he takes his mask in his hand. He pulls it off and no one says anything. "Hey. I'm Peter Parker." He says and I mentally facepalm myself. "Hello Mr. Parker." Nick says. "Hey Peter." I hear Steve say. "You knew?" Natasha asks. "Yeah." He says. "Why didn't you tell us?" Nick asks. "Because, Nick, it's not his secret to tell." I snap.

Everyone looks at me in surprise. Well except, Nick, Steve and Peter. "Why can a sixteen years old girl talk to you like that but I can't?" Tony asks. "Because she is an important scientist at SHIELD and a personal friend of mine." Nick says.

You see this is our cover. I want to tell them I'm not human when the time is right. Steve and Peter both know about our cover and support it as much as they can. "You have friends?" Tony asks. "Yes he does. Do you have anything else to say? Remember I have a Super Soldier, a kid with Spider-powers, a master assassin, a Demi-God and a whole secret agency behind me. I would choose my words carefully." I say. "I've got nothing to say." Tony says. "Good choice." I say. "I could totally beat your ass if you were on your own." Tony murmurs. "You want to bet?" I ask. "Sure." He says. "The special training facility in ten minutes. I'll see you down there. Get ready to get your ass kicked." I say. "The people who want to bet can come to me." Natasha announces.

I see Steve, Peter and Dr. Banner walking to Natasha. "I bet 30 bucks on Tony." Dr. Banner says. "I bet 30 bucks on Samantha." Steve says. "Yeah I bet 30 for Samantha too." Peter says. "Alright. If Dr. banner loses he has to pay 30 bucks each to Steve and Spidey. If Steve and Peter lose they have to give Dr. Banner 30 bucks each." Natasha says.

I walk down to the gym and into the special training room. I don't bother to change my outfit since I can win whenever, wherever and in whatever I'm wearing.

After 10 minutes Tony comes down on his full Iron-Man suit. "You ready to dance princess?" I ask Tony. "Ready when you are." He says with his voice robotic because of the suit. Soon the others come down too and stand outside the window. Those people are: Steve, Peter, Natasha, Nick, Dr. Banner, Agent Coulson, Agent Hill and a few other people.

Tony attacks first by shooting one of his beams. I easily dodge it with a little bit of my super speed and go in defense mode again. He shoots again and I dodge again not even a little out of breath. "Is that al you've got?" I ask him. "Darling, I just begun." Tony says and shoots two beams at once. I dodge them and Tony gets slightly irritated. "When are you going to fight for yourself?" He asks. "Believe me, when I begin to fight you won't like it." I say. "Bring it on." He says. "Alright it's your funeral." I say and shrug. I throw a fireball at him and it just misses.

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