Chapter 9

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Samantha's POV

Maybe I should go by Peter's house. Yeah I'm going to do that.

When I stand in front of the door I get nervous. And I almost never get nervous. I knock on the door and a few minutes later a women around her mid 50's opens the door. "Hello can I help you?" She asks me. "Umm yes could I see Peter please ma'am?" I ask as polite as possible. "I don't want to be rude but who are you?" She asks me. "Oh I'm sorry ma'am. My name is Samantha." I say and I put my hand out for her to shake it. "Oh my! I'm sorry. Peter talks about you a lot you know. He's upstairs. Oh and I'm his aunt May." She says while shaking my hand. "Thank you ma'am." I say. "Oh please call me May." She says. "Okay. Thank you May." I say and with that I walk upstairs.
I knock on his door and he says. "What is it aunt May?" I chuckle. "It's me." I say through the door. I hear him falling off his bed. "I'll be there in a sec." He says. A few moments later the door opens. "Hey beautiful." He says and I blush a little. "Hey handsome." I reply and he chuckles and blushes a bit too. "Come on in." He says. I walk in and see a usual teenage boy's bedroom. Messy. "I'm sorry it's a little messy." He says. "A little?" I tease. "Are we going to play it that way Grace?" He says. "Absolutely Parker." I tease. "Oh and also I can now play super hero with you if you still want to." I say. "Yeah sure we would make a good team I think." He says. "Watch this." I say. I have my dress on but in the form of a T-shirt and shorts. I transform it into the skin-thight suit I thought of. Peter just stands there. Totally shocked. "How did you do that?" He asks me. "It's Asgardian. They made it as a dress but I can transform it into the outfit I need at that moment." I explain. "I only need a mask. And already have an idea." I say and I make an illusion for a mask. It's not like the Spider-Man mask. It's an eyemask with the same colors as the dress. From left to right the colors are water blue, grass green, silverish white and firey orange. His jaw drops in surprise. "How do you do that?" He asks and points at the mask. "It's an illusion. It's one of my powers." I answer casually. "Can you help me make the mask?" I ask him and he nods in response. "Great! Let's get started!" I say enthusiastically. He chuckles and begins to think. "First of we need fabric that won't hurt you won't tickle and won't itch." He says. "Then we need to paint it and-" He trails off. "I have an idea." I say. "I need to concentrate and I need you to know I am not a lunatic. I am just going to talk to someone in another realm through my mind but you will hear his voice too." He looks at me with confusion. "Heimdall can I talk to you?" I ask. "Of course Lady Samantha." Heimdall's deep voice answers. "Who the hell was that?" Peter asks. "That is Heimdall. Watcher of all nine realms. Peter Heimdall, Heimdall Peter." I introduce them. "What did you want to talk about milady?" Heimdall asks. "Can my friend and I come to Asgard. I desperately need something." I say hoping that this will work. "Of course Lady Samantha. You know how it works." He says. "Thanks Heimdall!" I thank him.

I transform the skin-thight suit back into a dress and drag Peter outside through his window. I hold his hand and jump off the roof. We go down and I make us float just in time. "We're going to Asgard." I announce. "Heimdall!" I yell and no one but Peter I and Heimdall hear it.

We travel through the stars again and we come in Asgard. "Hey Heimy. How's it going?" I ask. "Everything is peaceful. For now." He says. "This is so weird." I hear Peter mumble under his breath. All I can do is chuckle at his comment. Because that is exactly what I thought. "Where can we find the dress maker who made this dress for me?" I ask Heimdall. "She is in front of the castle right now. But she won't be for long." Heimdall informs us. "Thanks Heimdall. I owe you one." I thank him. I transform into my skin-thight suit grab Peter's waist and fly ourselfs to the front doors of the castle.

"Ma'am wait a second please." I said and she stops. "Why hello Samantha I see the dress is working very well for you." She says. "Yes it is but could you help me out with one more thing please?" I ask her. "Of course my dear." She replies kindly. "Could you please make an eyemask from the same fabric as my dress please?" I ask her while transforming into the dress again. "Of course. I suppose you already have an image of the mask?" She says. I chuckle a little. "Yes I do." I admit. "Very well let's go to my workroom then." She says.

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