Chapter 16

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Samantha's POV

We quickly fly to New York. "Stark, we're on your three, headed northeast." Natasha says. And Tony, of course, says something sarcastic when we get there. "What? Did you stop for drive-through? Swing up Park. I'm going to lay them out for you." He says. I fly out of the back of the jet and two people say the same thing. "Stay safe." They say. Steve and Peter. "Only if you guys will!" I yell as I fly out. I fly to where the aliens come out and start to shoot fireballs at them.

*Time skip to the end of the battle*

We are all standing in front of Loki, weopons ready to fire. I just have my hands out towards him. "If it's all the same to you," He begins and sits up a bit better. "I would like that drink now." He says and the Hulk makes a sound in disagreement. And with that we take Loki prisoner. Again.

Everyone is watching Loki and Thor go off to Asgard. And I'm helping Peter home. He is the one who got most of the bad injuries.

With the last power I have I fly invisible to Peter's house. I go through his window and lay Peter down on his bed. I close and lock all the doors and windows that lead to this room.

I carefully take his shift off and try not to touch any wounds. Once his Spider-Man top is off I place my hand on his heart. I sit next to him on the bed so when I go unconscious I will fall on Peter's bed and not on the ground. I feel the power go from my heart, through my arm, to Peter's heart and from there on it spreads to the rest of his body. I try to use as much power as I can but eventually the darkness consumes me and I feel myself go limp.

Peter's POV

I feel some sort of power going through my body. I can't really describe how I feel but it feels good and painful at the same time. Everything is dark though. But I can open my eyes. So that's what I do. I open my eyes and feel something on my legs. Or better said someone. I look up and see Samantha unconscious on my legs. My legs wich are still in my Spider-Man pants. And Samantha still in her skin-thight suit. Wait. How can I not have any wounds? I know I got shot multiple times so why haven't I got any wounds? "Sam. Sam. Samantha." I say while lightly shaking her shoulders. She stirs awake and slowly gets up. "Ugh. I have a major headache." She says as she brings her hand to her head.

Samantha's POV

Someone is waking me up. At first I don't recognize the voice but then I hear it. Peter. I bring one hand to my head. "Ugh I have a major headache." I say as I push myself off on Peter's legs. "Hey. Don't push on my legs." Peter says. "Oh stop whining you baby. I just went unconscious to heal your wounds so I have the right to push on your legs." I say as I sit up next to Peter. "So how are you feeling?" I ask. "I actually feel pretty good." Peter says. "Good then it worked." I say. "What worked?" He asks. "I've healed you. You know the same I did with Tony when I punched him unconscious?" I say. "Oh. You did that for me?" Peter asks. "Of course I did that." I say. "Thanks." He says. "Of course. I would do everything for you." I say and I go red when I say this. "And everyone else on the team and my other friends." I quickly say. "Yeah of course." He says and smiles. I smile back and yawn. "You know, I'm really tired. I think I'm going home. See ya later Pete." I say as I jump off the bed and out of the window.

I flew home and through my window. I collapsed on my bed and just lie there. I ask Missy to put on some music and she immediately obeys.

After a while I get ripped out of my peaceful half slumber half awake thing by Missy. "Miss Grace, director Nick Fury I standing by the door and asks to be let in." Missy says. "Let him in and send him to my room. And please shut the music off. Thank you Missy." I say. "You're welcome miss." Missy says and with that Nick is let in and turns off the music.

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