Chapter 8

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Samantha's POV

*History class at school*

I was just sitting there and staring into space. We were talking about World War II so I didn't really have to pay attention. "We are going to do projects in groups of two people." The teacher says. I already see people looking at each other and nodding. Surprise surprise no one wants to be with me. I'm not exactly the nicest at school. Except for Peter. I have the weird feeling that he understands what I'm going through. But he can't know because I keep it very well hidden. I never tell people where I live or anything else about me except for my name my fake age, 16 years old, and my hobbies apart from training my powers. Anyway back to class. "I'm going to mix the kids who do well with the kids who don't do so well." The teacher says. "I already made pairs so you can stop eyeing each other." I hear many groans of disappointment. "Oh don't whine. It's not that bad." She says. This is why she is my favourite teacher. She always says what she thinks. "These are the pairs:" From there on I just zone out until I hear my name. "Samantha Grace and Peter Parker." She says. That's not too bad. He is one of the not many people I can actually stand. Peter has to sit next to me the rest of the lesson so we can start working. "Hey." I say. "Hey Samantha? Right?" He asks. "That's my name." I reply casually. He chuckles a little. "So I guess you're good at history because I certainly am not." He says. "Yeah I'm quite good at it." I say. I'm more than quite good I'm awesome at it. I get straight A's and A+'s. "So what do you already know about World War II and the time around it?" He asks. "I know every single thing about it." I say. "I think I have a great partner." He says with a smile on his face. "I think you do." I tease. "Oh and she's so modest." He teases back. "And you better remember it." I say a little sassy while smiling. "And sassy as well. I like you. We should hang out more often." He says and I blush a little. WAIT. Hold your horses. I blushed!? Me an Asgardian Goddess around the age of 90!? The answer is yes I blushed. "Sure sounds fun." I reply trying to hold my normal attitude. "Great let's work on the project today. My house or yours?" He asks. "Umm I think it's better at yours." I reply a hint of sadness in my voice. Why you ask? Because Steve and I thought of a cover why no one come over for around 3 weeks so Steve can adjust to modern life. If I introduce him to someone and he doesn't know how the TV or radio works our cover is blown. "What's wrong?" He asks genuinely concerned. "My parents just died and I just moved in with my uncle Steve. He is the only family who also lives around New York." I say. He stares at me with sad eyes and he embraces me in a hug. I hug back and quite honestly? I don't want to let go. After a few moments he pulls away and says. "It's okay I don't have parents too. They died when I was around 5 years old. I went to live with my uncle and aunt and my uncle recently got murdered." He says. I put my hands over my mouth and went to hug him. And I thought I felt a single tear coming from his eyes. "It's okay. You have me now." I say and that seems to relax him. We apparently have been talking the whole lesson because the bell just rang. "I'll meet you at the front okay?" I say. "Can't wait." He says

*End of school*

I'm standing in the front of the school and Peter still isn't there. I begin to get annoyed but I have to keep my temper. He's already 30 minutes late! "I'm sorry!" I hear Peter yell. "Why the hell are you so late!" I say. "I got detention because I was 5 minutes late." He says not even having to catch his breath. "It's okay." I say. "Umm Samantha?" Peter says. "Hmm?" I kinda ask. "Your left hand is on fire." Peter says slightly freaked out. "Crap!" I curse under my breath. I put my hand out and Peter looks utterly shocked. Double crap. "Peter don't freak out please I can explain this." I say. "Okay explain." Peter says with his arms crossed. "I will but not in public." I say. "Okay come with me." Peter says. We walked there awkwardly next to each other.

We walk into an abandoned wearhouse but there is stuff everywhere. "Okay explain." Peter says. "Well do you have any chairs? Because this is going to be a long story." I say. He takes two chairs and we go sit on it. "Well umm where do I start?" I ask nor really knowing. "The beginning." He says. "No shit Sherlock." I snap. "Damn someone's snappy." Peter says. "Sorry it's just a very, very long story." I explain. "I have time." He says. "Well I'm not really from earth." I say looking at my lap. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I'm umm not from earth. I'm from a world called Asgard but I was born and raised on earth." He looks very sceptical. "And why would I believe that." He asks me. "I didn't want to do this." I sigh. I stand up from the chair and go stand a few meters behind it. "Get ready for a shock." I say and I set my body alight. "Mother-!" Peter jumps off his chair and I put my body out. "Do you believe I'm not from earth now?" I ask him. "Uh huh." He says wide-eyed and nods. "Good. Well my parents were great sorcerers. They gave me any ability they could think of. But when they got attacked they sent me to earth. They put a spell on me so I would grow like humans. But when I turned 15 I would grow like an Asgardian. Wich is stupidly slow. And that's only the beginning. But enough about me why do you hang out in an abandoned wearhouse while there is stuff everywhere?" I ask. "Well since you told me your secret I will tell you mine." He says. "Fire away." I tell him. "I am Spider-Man." He says. "Cool I wanted to now how you do that webswinging thing. It looks really cool." He is stunned by my reaction. "Dude when I found out I was not human it was a much bigger shock. Believe me." I say. "Yeah I can believe that." He says. "Though I have one more question." He says. "Only one? I expected at least two questions. But hey fire away." I say. "How old are you?" He asks me. I tense a little at that question. I mean should I tell him? Yeah I think I can trust him. "90 years old. Give or take a few." His jaw drops and his eyes widen once again. "Geez for a granny you look very good." He says. "Umm thanks? I think?" I say and chuckle a little. He laughs along with me and I go sit on the chair again. But when I'm near the chair Peter grabs my wrist and turns me around so I'm against his chest. I look in his dark brown eyes and he looks in my hazel colored eyes. His face comes closer to mine and then we get interuppted. Some police radio interuppted us. "Have to go." He says with regret in his eyes. He takes off his shirt and pants wich reveal his Spider-Man suit. He also puts on his Spider-Man shoes and mask "Hey Samantha maybe you can help me with this one." He says. "I'm not allowed to use my powers in the outside world." I say. "Says who?" He asks. "Some super secret government." I answer him. "Well I think that's nonsense. If you just make a costume so no one recognises you no one knows." He says. And if I'm being honest it's not a bad idea. "I will talk with them about it. Now be careful. The city can't lose Bug-Boy! I say teasingly. "What did you call me?" He asks with a smile on his face. "I didn't know you were deaf?" I tease "I called you Bug-Boy!" I yell with a smile on my face. He swings out of the window. "Duty calls!" He yells. I just walk home.

When I walk in I see Steve watching TV. "Good job Steve." I say. "Thanks Sammy. Where were you. I began to worry." Steve says witwith a concerned tone in his voice. "I was over at a friend's house. Don't worry I'm a 90 year old Asgardian who has awesome powers and is decent in hand-to-hand combat." I reassure him. "Oh I almost forgot I have to do something at work. Don't stay up for me if it gets late." I say and before he can answer I'm already outside.

I make myself invisible and fly to the Helicarrier. It's actually invisible but I can see it. I land on the Helicarrier and make myself visible again. I walk in and considering I'm a level 15 agent, highest level, thank you very much, I can walk in whenever I want. And believe it or not I'm good friends with Nick Fury. He's actually quite nice if you get to know him. I walk to Nick's office and knock on the door. "Who is it?" Nick asks quite rude. "It's me Samantha." I say. "Oh Samantha come in." He says a lot nicer. "So what brings you here?" He asks when I get in. "I want to know if it's possible that if I have a costume I can help people? Like Spider-Man." I ask hopefully. "Where comes this from Samantha?" He asks me. "Well being with Steve again reminds me that I want to help people as much as I can." I half lie. I mean I actually thought about when he got back into my house. "Well that could be possible. What kind of costume are you thinking about?" He asks. "Well when I was in Asgard I got a dress that can transform in what kind of outfit you need." I showed him the dress and how I can transform it into anything I need. He looked impressed. "Seems like you've got it all covered. Good luck." Nick says. "Thanks Nick. See ya." I say.
I think this will be amazing!

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