Chapter 13

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Samantha's POV

I'm really worried about Steve. It's like he's attacking the poor punching bag. PUNCH PUNCH PUNH BANG! "That's already the third punching bag!" I say. "Sorry." Steve says sheepishly. "Trouble sleeping?" A voice behind me asks. "Nick?! What are you doing here? I can't remember I let you in." I say. "I slept for seventy years, sir. I think I've had my fill." Steve says completely ignoring me. "Then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world." Nick says. "Nick how did you get in?" I ask him. "When I went under, the world was at war." Steve says. Oh here it comes. The good old 'we won but what did we lose?' speech. I think to myself and roll my eyes. "I wake up they say we won. They didn't say what we lost." Steve says. "Okay Nick you are going to say why you are here and how you came in or I will fry your ass." I threaten and he gives me the 'I will explain later' look. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. Nick turns to Steve again. "We've made some mistakes along the way. Some, very recently." Nick says and I see he is holding some kind of folder. "Are you here with a mission, sir?" Steve asks. "I am." Nick replies shortly. "Trying to get me back in the world?" He asks "That won't happen." I mutter under my breath but they don't seem to hear it. "Trying to save it." Nick says. Now this grabs my attention. "What are you talking about Nick?" I ask. He hands Steve a folder. I go stand next to him and gasp at what is in it. "HYDRA's secret weopon." Steve says. "The Tessarect." I mutter inaudibly. "Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you." Nick says. I fake cough. "When they were looking for you." Nick corrects himself. "He thought what we think. The Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy." Nick explains. "That's something the world sorely needs." Nick ends. "Who took it from you?" Steve asks and I chuckle at how he already knows it's taken. "He's called Loki." Nick says and I sit there in shock. How is that even possible? I saw him fall. I thought he was dead. "He's not from around here." Nick says. "You could say that." I mutter. "There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in." Nick says and he sighs. "The world has gotten even stranger than you already know." Nick ends and I scoff. He is right. "At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me." Steve says. "Ten bucks says you're wrong." Nick says and I laugh. Steve is up for a surprise. And he's gonna lose ten bucks. "There's a debriefing packet waiting for the both of you on the kitchen table." Nick says and I'll have to ask him how he got in. "Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know?" Nick asks. "You should have left it in the ocean." Steve and I say in unison as Steve walks up the stairs to the living room. "So how exactly did you get into my house and past my AI system?" I ask Nick with a hint of warning in my voice meaning that he should choose his words carefully now he can still speak. He gulps. "I uhm I... I just asked Missy if she would let me in and she did." Nick says sheepishly. I scoff. "Missy you can't just let people in like that." I scold my AI system. "I'm sorry miss but I thought since it was Mr. Fury it would be alright." Missy says. "Just don't do it again." I say. "Of course miss." And with that the conversation is over. "Now go away Nick. Steve and I need to think about your little group." I say while shooing him away with my hands. "Alright." Nick says and speed walks away before I can change my mind. How I love it to be able to scare the boss of a super secret agency. I think to myself.

Steve is currently on a jet to the Helicarrier with agent Phil Coulson. He is a huge Captain America fanboy and he almost fainted when he saw him in the ice. And when they told him he was going to be an Avenger. Anyway I was flying towards the Helicarrier wich was now or invisible for some reason. I had on my skin-thight suit and mask since I could still be seen.

When I was on the Helicarrier I saw that Steve's jet hasn't landed jet. Probably still takes a few hours for them to get here. So I went to look for my red-head best friend. "Agent red-head do you copy?" I ask in my earpiece. "I copy Mysteria." Natasha says. Yup that's my super-hero name. Mysteria. I think it sounds quite cool. It's because no one knows all my powers. No one except me. Well and Peggy. "Come to the flight deck." I say. "Will do." She answers. A couple minutes later I hear someone walking up behind me. I turn around and see the Natasha standing in a fighting stance. She tries to punch me but I catch her fist. "Again, Natasha? Really?" I ask her while giving her a skeptical look. She just shrugs and takes her fist back. "I can always try." She says and I bring her in for a hug. She hugs me back and we hug for about two seconds before we both pull away. "I know you're not a hugger." (I hope anyone got that reference. Otherwise this small A/N will just seem weird... Anyways, back to the story.) I say. "Yeah." Natasha shrugs. "Let's catch up a little." I say. "The usual room for you?" She asks. "Yup." I say. You see sometimes I have to stay at the Helicarrier for my science work.

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