Chapter 25 - A&E

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**Kayla's POV**

I woke up instantly, the searing pain shooting through my abdomen was unbearable. "Ed!" I screamed. He was still downstairs. "ED!!" I yelled louder. He came racing through the door and turned the light on. I clutched my stomach. "What what's going on Kayla?" He asked, the panic was clear in his eyes. He pulled the covers back to pick me up, then we saw the blood. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it round me before picking me up and sprinting downstairs. He lay me on the backseats then flew to the hospital. The pain was too much, the black spots in my vision got worse until I passed out.

**Ed's POV**

I pulled up at the hospital and lifted her out of the car. She was still bleeding heavily, I was so scared I didn't know what was going on. "Excuse me can you help me please!" I yelled towards one of the paramedics standing near the door. He ran over to me and lifted her from my arms. I followed him through the doors and in to a long corridor where he placed her on to a bed and wheeled her off in to a room. I was stopped by a nurse when I went to follow her in. "You can't go in there sir you'll have to wait out here" she said and stormed off. I sat down on one of the chairs outside the room. My heart thumped in my chest. Then I thought back to a few weeks ago. We were rehearsing for tour, she was singing then started complaining about dizziness and a pain in her stomach. Then I thought back to a month before that when we had sex. Shit. I was torn from my thoughts as a doctor came out of Kayla's room with a clipboard. "Are you a family member of Kayla's?" he asked me. "I'm her boyfriend" he nodded and signalled me to come through. I'd been sitting in that waiting room thinking of all the clues for over an hour before he came to get me. How could I have not thought to use protection. "Were you aware that Kayla was pregnant?" I looked him in the eye. "What do you mean was?". The doctor signalled for me to sit down. "Kayla was nearly 2 month's pregnant. There's been some...complications-" I interrupted the doctor "she lost it didn't she". He nodded and apologised. "I'll give you two some time alone". I turned to look at Kayla as her eyes fluttered open. The colour had drained from her face, she was hooked up to an IV line. "He said I might never be able to have a baby" she whispered before the tears began to roll down her cheek "because of Daniel" she sobbed. I felt the anger bubble up inside me, I couldn't prevent him ruining her past but to hell was I letting him destroy her future too. "Calm down please" she whispered, her voice was hoarse. I held her hand, carefully avoiding the needle. "I love you" she said softly and made circles with her finger against the palm of my hand. "This is my fault I wasn't there to protect you". She shook her head softly and squeezed my hand with all of the energy she had left in her. "Sing me to sleep please" she said. I began to sing Small Bump...

"You're just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life, might be left with my hair but you'll have your mothers eyes. I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gentle as I can, but for now your scan of my unmade plans, a small bump, in four months your brought to life" her eyes closed as her breathing slowed. I kept singing "and I'll whisper quietly, give you nothing but truth, if your not inside me I'll put my future in you. You are my one and only and you can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight, you are my one and only, you can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight and you will be alright." I stopped singing as the tears began to roll down my cheeks. She means the world to me.

I drifted off to sleep in the uncomfortable chair at 4am beside her. I slept holding her hand, every so often I would wake to her hand twitching. But then we would both relax. Until it reached 7am. And I was rushed out of the room by doctors. I heard the beeping of her heart monitor flatline from the door.

Next chapter! I wrote this so fast I can't wait to write the next chapter oh my god!


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