0.3 Neighbors

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He utterly despised the residents of apartment 2C.

It wasn't just because they fed his insomnia each night, but they always seemed to use the bathroom when he showered, making the water scald his skin as he washed his hair. Not only that, but they took advantage of his mother's caring tendencies and always managed to take off with some of their food and toiletries.

They were greedy, noisy bastards who only cared for themselves which frustrated him to no end. They were also completely illiterate which did not help the situation because each night when he heard them through the paper-thin walls he couldn't help but mutter their sentences in proper english.

And there he lay once again, trying desperately to fall asleep, only to be woken at the brink of unconsciousness to correct their grammar. His obsessive-compulsive tendencies always annoyed him.

Not wanting to listen to his neighbor's continuous bickering, he threw off his comforter and stuffed his feet into his worn vans. He then slid into his sweatshirt and grabbed his wallet before slipping out of the apartment.

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