0.9 Lunch

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He wasn't able to go back to the library for lunch which kind of bummed him out. He wanted to get to know her better, and see what she brought for lunch this time, but Dax needed help with his calculus homework, again.

The cafeteria seemed a lot more crowded than usual, but he managed to shuffle between the many tables with his blue tray hugged close to his chest. He wasn't in the mood for the day's cardboard-like pizza so he settled for a chicken wrap and chocolate milk.

Their table was toward the back, fit in between a group of freshmen and the vending machines. Dax was leaning against the table with one knee on the bench and gesturing wildly with his hands.

Pete was not amused.

He rolled his eyes and took his spot on the bench beside Dax but across from Pete.

"CJ, man. Where were you yesterday?" Dax plopped down on his bench and shoved the plastic spoon into his applesauce.

He glanced over at his best friend and raised an eyebrow.

"Did you forget the shoe incident yesterday? There's no way I was gonna walk in here without shoes on."

Pete took a bite of his pizza. "I'm sure no one noticed," he said in between chews.

Copeland gave him a look before unwrapping his chicken wrap. "I didn't have anything to eat anyway, so I hung out in the library."

Dax guffawed, spitting bits of applesauce on the table. Copeland scrunched his nose up and pulled his tray closer to him.

"You went to the library. What a nerd."

Dax often acted like a child and preferred to make everyone around him feel inferior even thought he wore large, thick glasses and still slept in his Star Wars onesie.

It was annoying sometimes, the way Dax talked down to them, but they knew it was only his personality (that and he had a car and sweet game room) so they put up with it.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just get your calc done."

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