3.4 Faygo Rock

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Lord of the Rings marathon at my place this weekend. Mom's making pizza bagels.

Copeland scanned over Dax's text as he slipped out of his dad's truck and shoved the door shut with his shoulder.

Idk man, he typed. My mom's still at the hospital, it depends on how she feels.

He pulled his house keys out of his pocket and shoved them into the door. The lock was a tricky one, and involved a sensitive touch and a lot of prayer before allowing one access to the apartment. After a moment of frustration he managed to slip into the apartment and tap the door shut it with his foot.

His phone chimed.


He rolled his eyes and left the truck keys on the little hook beside the door. After grabbing a Coke from the fridge he sat on the couch and opened his to-go box as he flipped on the TV. His phone chimed.

There was a text from Minx.

How's your mom doing? The surgery was today, right?

He smiled.

Yeah. I think she's doing okay, we can't see her till tomorrow though.

There was a pause, and then:

I'm at PnM. Orange Crème is your fav, right? I can grab you some and mix it with Faygo Rock, this week's new flavor.

Another smile tugged at his lips as he stared down at the screen, surprised that she even thought of him. Then again, ever since they talked about his mom's sickness and her best friend's death, Minx had reached out to him more. Occasionally, he felt as if it were a desperate reach, like she was trying with everything she has to fill that hole her best friend left. And sometimes, he was glad that she chose him.

Count me in.

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