3.6 Misfits

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"Oh, my god. Guys, I think we have company."

Copeland looked up from the slice of pizza he was eating and followed Dax's gaze to the middle of the cafeteria. There, with her eyes on him and a brown paper sack in hand, was Minx, with a tentative expression and a yellow bow holding her hair up in a ponytail. When he met her gaze, she smiled a small, shy smile as the people around her cast her glances. To them she was new, someone of interest what with her glowing aura and the fact that, to him, she was absolutely breath taking.

"I don't think she's here for us, man," Pete said softly as Minx came to a stop at the empty bench beside Copeland.

"Hey," she said, her voice hesitant and soft.

Copeland couldn't help himself from grinning back. "Hey. I see you've come to join us."

Pete nodded to the open bench. "Got a spot right here with your name on it."

Minx laughed. "Thanks. I'm glad you thought of me.

He smiled. "Anytime. I'm Pete, and the terrible shot over there is Dax."

To this Dax scowled and set down his chocolate milk. "I am a great shot, thank you very much. That was just one bad game."

Pete snorted. "More like one bad gamer."

They rarely played Call of Duty because Dax was so bad at it. Pete and Copeland just didn't want him to have a hissy fit every time they played it so they stopped altogether. The last time they went to Dax's, though, he wanted to play really bad, so they gave in, and he lost, rather ungracefully.

Minx watched the two bicker with a polite smile, but Copeland could tell she didn't quite understand the conversation.

"Children," Copeland said and waved his hand up and down in a calming gesture. "Simmer down, now. We have a guest."

"Oh, I forgot," Dax said and grinned over at Minx. "A formal introduction is needed for new members."

Copeland and Pete glanced at each other before they both rolled their eyes.

"I'm Dax," he said and gestured around him. "Welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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