1.9 Explanation

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"Dude, that shit you pulled yesterday was fucked up," Dax said as he plopped his tray down on the table. His apple bounced off of the tray at the impact and rolled to the edge of the table before dropping off. Pete caught it and set it up right next to Dax's tray.

Copeland set down his turkey sub and wiped his hands on his jeans.

"I mean I needed you, bro. And you just waltzed around town ignorin' my texts, leaving me hanging. Man, I thought we were friends."

Copeland glanced over at Pete who only shrugged in response and then scribbled something down on his worksheet.

"I needed a day," he said and opened his carton of chocolate milk.

"A day to what, man? What is more important than your best friends?"

He was getting irritated but tried to stay calm. They didn't know what was going on, so he couldn't hold it against Dax for being pissy.

"It's my mom," he bit out and Pete's eyes shot up to meet his. Even Dax paused long enough for him to speak. "She has cancer."

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