2.8 Happy

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"Does CJ have a girlfriend?" Mal asked as she waltzed into the apartment with a sly smile.

"No," he said and shut the front door. "What even gave you that idea?"

She rummaged through his fridge for a diet coke. "Dax told me," she said as she kicked the door shut and opened her can of diet coke with a soft pop!

He rolled his eyes. "Dax doesn't know what he's talking about." He led the way back to his room and plopped down at his desk where he was working on his precalc homework.

"I'm pretty sure I saw you leave with Minx the other day, though."

"Okay, well that happened, but it doesn't mean we're together."

Mal squealed and fell back onto his bed, her long black hair fanning out around her. She turned over onto her stomach and crossed her ankles. "I can't believe you went out with Minx. You will make such a cute couple."

"But we aren't a couple," he argued, growing frustrated with his neighbor.

"But you could be," she said and smiled slyly at him. "You just need a little nudge."

"I really don't."

Mal pouted at him and set her diet coke on his end table. "But Copeland," she whined. "I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy." She gave him a pointed look. "Okay, I'm content, but there's nothing wrong with that."

"Never said there was, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy."

He grabbed the small bean-filled ball off of his desk and began tossing it from hand to hand. "How do you know Minx will make me happy? Maybe what I really need is a car and then I'll be happy."

"Because love conquers all young Nicholson."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "When did you become all philosophical?"

She turned onto her back and smiled up at him. "Last night. Mom made me watch Dr. Phil with her again."

"Bonding night?"

She rolled her eyes which looked kind of alien while she was laying upside down. "Ugh, Mom is so annoying. She thinks my bad grades are because of her parenting and is convinced the only way to fix it is by spending Thursday nights watching talk shows and eating plain popcorn." She sat up and took a swig of her diet coke. "So unfair."

"Hey." He tossed the ball at her. "Don't meddle, okay? I know you want to, but just don't, okay? Don't."

She rolled her eyes again, an act that he considered a permanent part of her character, and hopped off his bed.

"Whatever." She picked up her diet coke and waved it in the air. "I'll talk to you later."

Then she was gone, leaving him alone with his precalc homework and the music playing softly from his speakers.


hey guys,

sorry for these last two chapters, they just aren't flowing right so i'll try and fix 'em later.

- makebelievers

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