0.6 Band-Aid's

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He decided to skip lunch with his friends and hide out in the library. All morning he had been receiving looks, everyone glancing at his feet and then snickering as they brushed past him in the hall.

In his rush he had also forgotten to pack a lunch that morning, and his wallet was empty due to his late night meal at Sweet Haven.

The white-haired librarian smiled kindly at him as he passed, to which he nodded and then waltzed among the many shelves until he spotted a book he found interesting enough to occupy his time. There was a small, round table in the back that was tucked behind the many shelves and wobbled ever so slightly when he sat down.

He flipped to the first page and let his eyes glide over the words, hoping that the book would make the thirty-minutes go by faster. He was only on the second page when a familiar clunk sounded across from him. His finger slipped against the page he was holding and sliced the tip, drawing blood.

"Oh," the girl said as she slid into the other chair. "Sorry."

He glanced up at her as he shook out his hand but didn't say anything aside from a light shrug.

After a moment she began digging through her bag again, first tossing a brown sack on the table and then pulling out a small black box. She looked back up at him and held out her hand. "Here," she said. "Let me see."

He narrowed his eyes at her, the shock as to what was happening rendering him mute, but he held out his injured finger anyway.

She took it gently and scanned the thin line of blood before placing it on the surface between them and popping open the black box. Her bangs fell into her eyes as she rummaged through it, her tongue poking out in concentration. She pulled out a small Band-Aid, ripped it open and then applied it to his finger. She smoothed it out for him and tossed the wrappers back in the box before dropping that into her bag.

"There," she smiled up at him. "All better."

"Thanks," he muttered while mustering up a smile and pushing his glasses up his nose.

She pried open the paper sack and pulled out a saran-wrapped sandwich, bag of chips and a packet of gummy bears. He brought the book back up to his nose as she unwrapped the sandwich and separated the two slices of bread.

It was hard to try and focus on the words as she placed neat rows of Lays onto the peanut butter and rows of gummy bears on the jelly.

Strange, he thought as he turned the page, his eyes flicking down to the Mickey Mouse Band-Aid that was wrapped around his pointer finger. She was so strange.

When she took a bite of her sandwich there was a loud and silence-shattering crunch that made him lower his book and raise an eyebrow at her.

She smiled sheepishly and brushed a few crumbs from the corners of her lips before lowering her sandwich.

"Sorry, I'm used to eating here alone." She picked up the half-empty packet of gummy bears and offered it to him. "I'm Minx, by the way."

He was surprised at the acquaintance-ship he was receiving, but reached inside and pulled a white gummy bear out anyway.

"Copeland, and thanks."

"Copeland," she repeated and smiled at him. "I like your socks."

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