2.5 Promises

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"Copeland?" she asked as he picked up their trash and threw it in a nearby bin.


"Can you promise me something?"

He slid back into his spot across from her and leaned forward. "Anything," he said, sounding so sincere that she smiled.

She held out her hand and lifted up her pinkie, gesturing for him to do the same. He wrapped his pinkie around hers and she stared him in the eye.

"Promise me, that whenever you have a bad day or are just feeling down or angry, that'll you'll tell me about it. Promise me that you won't keep it bottled up, please," she begged.

He tightened his pinkie around hers and gave her a small smile. "I promise to never keep my feelings bottle up, if you do the same."

At this, she smiled and nodded at him. "Deal."

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