Can I play with madness?

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"Bye Armin, I'll be back soon okay?"

The blonde looked up from his book to my half-packed duffle bag and frowned disapprovingly, "Where'd you say you were leaving for two weeks to?"

"Camping trip with Marco, the kid needed some time off. You can use this time to get in good with Jean," I winked. The truth was I wasn't going camping with Marco, he was just an alibi. He was leaving for a trip down south to visit his little family so I'd called him up and asked if he'd tell Armin and Mikasa he was camping with me if they -and by they I meant Mikasa- called to verify where I was. The only other person who knew where Marco was actually going was Jean, his best friend and oblivious crush. He'd made the horse-face promise to keep quiet about it though so I prayed he wouldn't blow this for me out of spite.

Armin blushed and looked back at his book, "You haven't told him have you?"

"No," I laughed, "But I swear to god if you chicken out I'll beat him up in front of you."

He cocked an eyebrow at me, "A strangely persuasive threat considering you've already done that many times, then again he's returned the favor."

"Hey shut up, we don't talk about my losses in this household!" I roared in mock anger.

Armin giggled, "Speaking of household don't you want to wait for Mika to get home from work before you run off? You know, say goodbye?"

"And deal with her mothering and invasion of my privacy? No thank you, I love her to death but I'm not in the mood for a lecture." I tossed a few more extra shirts in my duffle bag before zipping it up and slinging it over my shoulder, "The goal is to be long gone before she realizes I'm gone. That's when you come in to tell her that I've gone." I clapped him on the shoulder.

Armin sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Why can't you just talk to her like a mature adult instead of constantly saddling me with the responsibility?"

"Because she's less likely to kill you."

"She's not going to kill you, she just wants to be there for you and I'll this constant sneaking around and pushing her away is only making it worse."

"You know if I told her I was leaving she'd sooner chain me to the floor with a water bowl, some stale poptarts, and some newspaper to piss on before she'd actually let me go."

He made a frustrated noise, "That's only because you're hardheaded and constantly get yourself into trouble. She wouldn't have to worry so much if you'd only think before you did something stupid."

"I'm not having this conversation with you," I snapped, "I'm leaving now so bye bye, I love you, tell Mika that I love her too."

"Eren!" He called out but before he could chase after me I'd bolted to my car. I hoped in the mobile tin can and threw my bag onto the cracked, plether seats. All that held my car together was faith and pounds upon pounds of duct tape, but hey at least I had wheels. Better than nothing.

Before I could pull out I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Most likely Armin yelling at me for running out on him but I figured I ought to check it anyway. I flipped open my twenty dollar, Walmart flip-phone and examined the tiny screen.

*Unknown Number* 1 new message

Who could that be? I frowned at my phone, thinking of all the possible candidates but my mind went blank. I tapped a button to open the message.

Unknown Number: Hey brat, are you on your way?

levi? howd u get my #?

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