Chapter 6 - Bonding

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“You’re so pathetic, trying to call your mommy,” he sneered. 

“Go away! I don’t like you! I hate you!” I yelled back. He didn’t like this. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me hard, causing me to fall. I tried to fight him off, tried to get my wrist out of his grasp. It was impossible though. I was so much weaker than him. I was desperate for an idea to get away from him. Instinct kicked in as I bit down on his hand which made him instantly let go. I braced myself  for the smack to the face I had just earned myself.

“Skye? Are you alright?” I was woken up to someone nudging my shoulder. I had fallen asleep on bus.

I inhaled shakily, “Y-yea, I’m f-fine.”

I sat up, realizing we had stopped and I was alone on the bus with Vic.

“We’ve stopped?” I mumbled under my breathe, yawning as I stretched. 

“Yep,” Vic replied “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine… Just a bad dream.”

That was sort of the truth. I still remember everything that had happened that day. I had tried to call my mom at the office. It was a bad idea in general. I didn’t know which floor she was on or what to ask if I wanted to get a hold of her. 

“If you’re sure,” Vic cautiously said.

“I am!” I smiled at him. He made me really happy. Everyone here made me extremely happy, but there was just something about Vic, that drew me to him. It’s not like I would ever tell him that though. I highly doubted that the feeling was mutual.

We sat there talking for awhile longer, getting to know each other even more. It was a rare occurrence I had any alone time with him. 

“Are you excited for the new album?” he asked.

“You bet I am. I’m probably gonna cry though when it does though.” I admitted.

“What, why?”

“Because, I’ll already be back home by then.”

He got quite for a moment, remembering I’d be going home in a short while.

“Don’t cry,” he said, looking at me with such a sad expression. “I’d hate to be the reason for such a beautiful girl to cry.”

“You must be blind,” I smirked. “I’ll try not to, but you know you’ve probably made a lot of pretty girls cry already just due to the fact you’re turning 30 at the beginning of next year.”

He rolled his eyes, “Skye, I’m not blind. You really are a beautiful girl!”

“If you say so,” I said rolling my eyes back at him. What was he even thinking? Me beautiful? Pffft, in my dreams.

I looked at my phone for the time and figured we needed to be heading off the bus.

“Dude, it’s 2 already. When do you guys go on?” I asked Vic.

“I’ve gotta go here in a few for sound check, actually.” was his response.

“I really enjoyed bonding with you today though, we’ll have to do it again before I leave,” I said. I hugged him and he hugged onto me tightly.

“Of course we will.”

I smiled as we both walked off the bus. We walked together for as long as we could before we had to part ways. I waved to him as I ran and took my spot behind the merch table.

“Where on Earth have you been?” Tori asked. I had been gone all day, might as well explain myself.

“I was on the bus with Vic,” I replied, still smiling about everything we talked about.

“You seem awful happy about that,” she laughed, “Anything happen I should know about?”

“Nope!” I stuck my tongue out at her. 

She rolled her eyes at me as I started to help sell merch. 

“I’m gonna miss you,” she said out of nowhere.

“I’m gonna miss you, too!” 

“No really. You’ve been a really great friend to me and I’m so happy I met you. Once you get back home you better stay in touch alright?”

“Of course, I promise! Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know,” She laughed under her breath.

“Tori, you’re silly.”

She rolled her eyes at me once more as I handed someone their change.

“So, have you told Tony?” I asked her. She and I had been discussing the fact that she and Tony had been getting along a little too well. She liked him and he liked her, but both of them were too dumb to say anything to the other.

“No! I can’t. He’s just my best friend okay! I don’t want to ruin anything between us.”

“Come on T, you can’t waste your life not knowing what could happen. It’s obvious he likes you back. I’m not dense. I see the way you guys look at each other, and one day I wish I could have that. Promise me you’ll talk to him before I leave?”

She sighed, “Yes, fine. I’ll talk to him tonight. Are you happy?”

I nodded, smiling at her. 

“I’m gonna go help Leda for a little while, alright?” I said, grabbing a bottle of water.

Tori waved me off, and I ran across the lot to where Leda was trying to sell merch. In the last while she’d gotten somewhat better with her anxiety of people, but still sometimes she needed my help.

“Where have you been all day?!” she said in a very over dramatic tone of voice.

“I was asleep on the bus, then I was helping Tori!” I said in my defense.

“You suck, I missed you.”

“I’m sorry, you’re the one who sucks.”

Someone came up to the table and paid for a shirt. I handed it to them and took their money. They thanked me, and walked away. 

“You’re 16 right?” I asked Leda.


“My brother’s the same age,” I replied.

“You have a brother?”

“Yep, his name’s Collin,” I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of him. 

“Hey, he’s kinda cute.”

“I’ll have to tell him you said that when I get back home!”

“Do you have to go?” she asked, her expression turning sad.

“Yea, I’m afraid so. Me working here was just an arrangement so I could get back. I had no other choice.”

“I wish you didn’t have to go,” she sighed.

“Me too, Leda. Me too.”

I sighed, sitting down in the fold out chair. I only had a little time left. I better make the best of it.

A/N: Oops, I haven’t updated in while. I’ve kinda been stuck and this chapter sucks really bad. Don’t worry though, I’ve got the next few chapters for the most part written in advance so keep an eye out for those. I hope you enjoyed and please don’t hit me for not updating.

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