Chapter 8 - Going Home

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“After your sets, you’re going to drive me over to my house?” I asked for the thousandth time. I needed to make sure before I called home to tell them to expect me. Vic and Kellin both had agreed to come with to help explain to my folks what happened since they got me onto the tour.

“Yes! Quit worrying!” Kellin said, putting me into a headlock and giving me a noogie. 

“I can’t help it! They’re gonna kill me!” I whined, getting out of Kellin’s grasp and attempting to fix my hair. 

“We’ll be done by 5, be ready by then. We have to go on for sound check now,” Vic said and he left Kellin and me alone.

“We haven’t talked much,” he spoke, to break the silence. 

“I’m sorry, I just. I don’t know. You seem busy.”

“I’m never too busy to talk to you! I’m surprised you wanted me to come back home with you.”

“There’s more to you just coming back home with me though,” I admitted.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, the main reason you’re coming back is to help bail me out of trouble. The second reason is that my brother completely looks up to you. He’s going to be so shocked when he finds out I’ve spent the summer with you.”

Kellin seemed amused at all this. He was smiling and looking at the ground absent mindedly. 

“You’re probably gonna hear some stuff today you aren’t gonna like,” I mumbled biting my lip. 

“What do you mean?” 

I took a deep breath, “I can’t say it. At least not here out in the open. It’s best you don’t know just yet.”

Soon enough, Kellin was called off for sound check. It was around 3:30. Only an hour and a half to kill before I had to go home. I figured I’d make myself look somewhat decent. I went on the bus and went to my bunk to grab one of my bags. I dug through it and found some of my makeup. Eyeliner and mascara and a little bit of concealer and tinted moisturizer was all I ever really wore. I actually had given up on all of that and opted for sunscreen during the hot days of Warped. I found a relatively clean shirt out of the bag as well and threw it on along with my shorts and converse. I let my hair down and ran my fingers through it. I looked in the mirror on the wall of the bus and decided that there really wasn’t anything else I could do to fix myself up any more. I sat down and messed with my phone til around 4:45. I left the bus and went by the PTV merch booth to give Tori a hug. See thing was, she and everyone else thought I was going home for good tonight. It was going to be a surprise that I was staying the rest of the tour.

“You be safe, you hear me,” she instructed. 

“Of course!”

“You better keep in touch too!”


I hugged her tight and ran off to find Leda. She was the one to take my leaving the hardest. As soon as she saw me she ran and clung to me. 

“Do you have to go?” she whined.

“Yes, I’m sorry honey. I’ll keep in touch though I promise!”  

We talked for a few more minutes before Kellin and Vic came running towards me.

“You ready Skye?” Vic asked. I nodded, giving Leda one final hug. 

“Alright, let’s go!” Kellin declared and we set off for the house I grew up in. 

The car ride over was full of me talking to Kellin and Vic about a lot that was going to happen and what to expect from my parents. They were nosy and they asked a lot of questions. They didn’t mean it to be rude, that was just the way they were. I warned them that things might get a little hectic and they might hear some things they weren’t prepared to hear. They both tried to reassure me that everything would be fine and that no matter what happened with my parents it wouldn’t make them change their mind about letting me stay on tour.

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