Chapter 4 - Memories Of My Younger Self.

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Being on tour with Pierce the Veil was something that I hadn't gotten used to yet. I needed to, but for some reason I just couldn't grasp the fact that I was around people, so I just shut off. I didn't talk unless I had to. I did exactly what I was supposed to and even more than that I guess. I had been here only 4 days and everything was just going by so fast. I made no attempt to make friends with Vic, Mike, Tony, or Jaime; nor did I make any attempt to make friends with Jesse, Gabe, Kellin, Justin, or Jack. The most I had talked to any of them was the day I had gotten hurt and the day Kellin came and rescued me.

I just didn't see any point in trying to get close with them, when in another 2 and a half weeks I'd be gone and they'd forget about me. It was better to not get attached and the more I were to talk the more I felt like an idiot anyway.

I was lost in thought as a hand swept in front of my face.

"Wha..." I said looking up at Tony. We were riding on the bus, and I just had been sitting there on one of the bench seats.

"You don't talk much," Tony said as he sat down next to me.

"Um... not really. Neither do you though," I replied. I was right from the information I knew at least. Tony didn't talk much in interviews and such. I guess bands always have that one member that doesn't say much and with Pierce the Veil it was Tony Perry.

"Haha, you have a point," he responded, "but I do talk a lot more than you! The most you've talked to any of us is just to ask us what you're supposed to do for the day and then you do more than what we tell you!"

"It's just how I am I guess," I stated, have chuckling under my breath.

Mike, Vic, and Jaime looked over at Tony and I talking. They all had such a strange look on their face.

"Am I bothering you?" I asked, starting to get worried. Dammit. This is the main reason I wasn't talking.

"No, you're just talking. You haven't said a word all day," Mike said, pointing out the obvious.

"I can stop talking if that's what you want," I said looking at my feet.

"No-no!" Vic said, "Keep talking. We have nothing else to do and we have a few more hours of driving. Tell us about yourself."

Oh no. No no no no no no no no. I didn't want to do that. Since Vic asked though and they were all staring at me to go on I didn't have a choice though.

"Well, where do you want me to start?" I asked, nervously.

"How about your childhood?" Jaime suggested. Fucking hell, I'd rather eat nails and glass than talk about that.

I took a deep breath in and began to tell them.

"I was born on August 18th, 1993 in the town of Taylor, Michigan. Um, I was a bratty little kid I guess... and then in July of 1996 my parents had my brother Collin... um, and then a whole bunch of stuff happened that I really don't want to talk about... and uh... I guess what I'm trying to say is that my childhood wasn't the best thing in the world. I really try to forget about it, but some days it gets the best of me and there isn't anything I can do about it. I'm stuck with what happened and I suppose it made me who I am. I have to say though that you all have played such a huge role in my life. I don't know where I'd be without you. Even before now. I guess you can say that you saved my life. I... I'm really sorry for not being very social... I just don't want to get attached to being here with you because as we all know... in 2 and a half weeks I'll be gone back to Michigan. The sad truth is I don't wanna go home. I never want to go back to that horrible place. I'm going to be in so much trouble and I just don't know if I'm ready to go through it."

Colliding with Skye (On hold until I move! Sorry guys!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt