Chapter 14 - Silent Treatment

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It was officially two days since the incident at the airport. Everything still felt unsettling. I couldn’t exactly explain my sudden plan to leave to everyone without revealing too much information. Sure they asked, but I just avoided the questions; only answered them vaguely or completely didn’t answer them at all. The word of my attempted departure had somewhat spread throughout everyone I knew thanks to Vic trying to find me, and since everyone knew the questions kept coming. It was to the point where I flat out refused to talk to anyone only after a few hours of returning. Leda knew I was annoyed with the fact that she had spoken up to let Vic where to find me. She tried to explain why she had done it, but I completely tuned her out. I didn’t want to hear excuses, I just wanted to be left alone. 

I was standing at the Sleeping With Sirens merch tent with Leda for the second day without speaking to her. She made various attempts, but I just focused all my attention in my work. I sold shirts and other merch and every time she said anything I’d start talking to a customer or put my headphones in. I could tell she was upset about the way I was acting and I knew I was being a little outrageously mean.  I just didn’t want to hear what she had to say about why she had told Vic where I was. I asked her not to, but she did anyway and that was why I was mad. 

Another few hours went by as did the hoards of people. They’d get bad and then slowly die down again. The sun was beating down on my face, neck, and arms and it was only then that I had realized that in my irritated state I forgot to put sunscreen on. It was too late to reverse the damage the sun had already done, so I didn’t bother to do anything about it. If I was burned, I was burned and there really wasn’t a way around it. I healed from sunburn relatively fast as it was and was sure that it would be gone in a few days, if it was there. When there weren’t people around I was under the shade of the awning anyway.

After half the day was through, Leda had given up trying to talk to me and I had made no effort to talk to her either. I’d have to drop the pissy act eventually, but for now I wasn’t planning on it.  

The day carried on as such and nothing really out of the ordinary happened until Kellin showed up.

“Skye,” he said my name as he approached me. I had been ignoring all of his texts, and I was wondering when he’d try to confront me.

I just looked up at him to acknowledge he said something to me.

“I need to talk to you. It’s important.”

I said nothing.

“No use trying to talk to her. She hasn’t said a thing to me in two days. Hey Skye, you can cut the act now. I understand you’re mad, but it’s been two days and it’s getting old. We get it, you don’t want to talk about what happened. So just say something already!” Leda said to Kellin, then changing the direction of the statement to me.

“Why should I?” I asked, “I asked you to do one simple thing, and you did the complete opposite of that.”

“What the hell else was I supposed to do?! Let Vic sit there and cry when I knew exactly where you were?!” 

“I don’t want to talk about this. I’m not fighting with you about this. I just want you to stop trying to explain yourself. I’ve heard it ten thousand times in the last two and half days and it doesn’t change the fact I’m mad.”

Kellin was stood there, staring at us with large eyes as we argued. If it weren’t for him I would have made it through the day without yelling at her or anyone else. To say I was irritated was an understatement. 

“What do you want Kellin?” I asked, the annoyance laced in all my words.

“Woah, don’t take this out on me,” he held his hands up in innocence, “I seriously need to talk to you though. Please?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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