Chapter 11 - Collide With The Sky

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Another week and a half had flown by and it was just minutes before midnight. Just minutes before the release of Collide With The Sky.  I was sitting in a hotel room with the guys, while they were doing a live stream and counting down for the release of CWTS and answering fan questions. For the first few minutes they didn’t even realize they had forgotten to turn the microphone on. I rolled my eyes at them. They were adorable, though like hell I’d tell them that now. If none of this had happened, I’d be sitting at home curled up in bed watching them with tears in my eyes wishing I could tell them everything they had done for me over the last 6 years. Look at me now though, oh how things had changed. They all knew how important they were to me and they were just the sweetest. 

Sitting on the bed watching them finish up the Ustream chat as the clock struck midnight, I smiled. They were shouting and cheering for the fact that their 3rd album had been officially released. 

After the webcam had been shut off, Vic ran over to me and picked me up off the bed hugging me tightly.

“I realize that you’re in a wonderful mood Mr. Fuentes, but I would really appreciate you putting me down!” I yelled at him; playing around of course. It’s not that I didn’t like the fact he was sweeping me off my feet, it was just we weren’t exactly alone in the hotel room and I wasn’t feeling all myself. I was pretty sure the sun was starting to get to me on tour and the last few days I had felt dizzy and light headed.

Vic laughed as he sat me back down on the bed, one arm still around me the other was leaning over to take a swig of his beer.

“You feeling alright my dear?” he asked, talking a minute to look me over, “You look kinda paler than normal.”

I brushed it off, “It’s probably nothing.”

He didn’t seem too convinced, but now was not the time to bicker about my seeming more pale than normal. We all needed to be celebrating! 

“Here,” he said, smiling at me and handed me a copy of the CD they had just released. The cover had been signed by all of them as well, and when I opened the plastic case there was a folded up piece of paper. 

“I’m not sure if I want to read this quite yet,” I admitted, noticing the familiar chicken scratch to be Vic’s. 

“Read it as soon as you’re alone,” he smiled at me, getting up to join back in the fun with the other guys.

“Have you listened to the album yet Skye?” Jaime asked, bounding over to me. 

“Not yet! I wanted to wait for it to officially come out! It was leaked like, 2 weeks ago, but I vowed I would wait! I’ll listen to it tonight! I promise!” I explained, taking out my laptop and loading the CD into it to sync to my phone. The letter in the CD case sent shivers up my spine as I wondered what on earth he could have written to me. I could only think the worst, being the pessimist that I am. I think Vic could tell from across the room.

“It’s nothing to worry about,” he said, sticking his tongue out at me.

Damn, he could read me like a book.

After a few more minutes, the album was finally synced to my phone, and just as I was about to shut my computer, we all heard a knock at the door.

“Let us in you assholes!” I heard Tori yell from the other side of the door. Us? She was probably with Leda. If they weren’t together with me, they were just together themselves. 

“Hold your damn horses,” Mike said, getting up and opening the door to let them in. 

Tori came in brandishing more alcohol than I’d have liked. 

Colliding with Skye (On hold until I move! Sorry guys!)Where stories live. Discover now