Chapter 13 - I'm Sorry, But I've Made Up My Mind

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It was 3 o’clock in the morning when I woke up, still in the hotel room with Vic. He had his arm laying lazily over me, but I felt it was necessary to remove myself. I had such I sickly feeling in my stomach and I needed to think. I needed to take everything in that had happened in the presence of my own company. It felt weird to even think that I had just had sex with someone, let alone that person be Vic Fuentes. 

I grabbed my phone and decided I’d sit in the bathtub and think. Ever since I can remember sitting in a bathtub helped me think straight. I could come up with ideas and clear my thoughts. I could talk everything out that was bothering me and when I was done sitting there I usually felt a lot better. 

I climbed, still naked, into the deep tub. It was different from the one at home. The sides were higher and it stretched out longer to the point where I could lay my legs flat when I leaned back. I looked up at the ceiling, analyzing all the little marks and bumps that were left on it from painting it. 

I hugged my knees up to my chest. I felt weird and alone. I wanted to talk to someone. Talking to myself seemed to only make me slightly crazy, and I wanted the comfort of a familiar voice. Rachel’s, to be precise. She always knew what to say when I needed someone the most and right now I needed someone. I needed my best friend on this entire planet. I missed her so much and couldn’t wait to see her at her again. I had remembered her telling me that she had been planning to drive to Cincinnati again this year from Kentucky so she could see me, since it was only an hour and a half drive and Kentucky didn’t have a Warped date. We both had discussed how it would be fun to go to Warped together again, since we hadn’t been able to in the last few years. She had either came to her Aunt’s in Michigan too late, or I left too early from her Gram’s in Kentucky.

I looked at her contact in my phone for what seemed like ages and by the time the clocked turned to 3:10, I was calling her. I hoped she’d answer. I knew she’d be awake, but when it came to being on the phone past midnight her very southern Gram would have something to say about it if she heard her. I had just given up hope of her answering when she finally picked up on the 6th ring.

“Hey, is something wrong?” she asked; her voice was hushed.

“Not entirely… I just miss you. I wanted to hear your voice,” I admitted. It was the truth. It was so hard having your best friend live 330 miles away from you. We couldn’t do anything normal best friends did, but I think that was what made us so special. Even though we couldn’t see each other very often, we bother knew no one would ever replace the other no matter who came around.

“I miss you too,” she said, “but you know how Gram is, I can’t talk too long.”

I knew, I knew that all too well, so I had to say what I had to stay and fast. I bit the bullet and blurted it out.

“Can I come stay with you?” 

“You know you’re always more than welcome, but seeing as what you’re doing right now I don’t understand why on Earth you’d want to just stop and come see me. I’ll always be here, this opportunity won’t.”

“I know, I just… something came up. I just… ugh…”

“What came up Skye? What’s the matter?” she asked.

I didn’t know how to put it in words. I wasn’t trying to run away because of the fact that Vic and I had slept together; it was the fact that I was getting too attached and too close. I couldn’t help but run away. It was all I knew how to do.

“Well… you know about how Vic keeps flirting with me or whatever, right?” I asked. Ugh this sounds all wrong, but I couldn’t find the right way to word it the way I wanted it.

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