Chapter 5 - Tori and Leda

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"Skye, it is over 100 fucking degrees out here take that jacket off!" Mike yelled at me.

I laughed, shaking my head at him, "No! Fuck you!"

This was a daily argument with EVERYONE.

"You wish," he said, unzipping my jacket and attempting to take it from me.

"Not in a million years! Give that back!" I said getting ready to chase after him. He successfully had stolen the jacket holding it up like it was a prize winning turkey he just shot. I shook my head, laughing as I rolled my eyes at him. If he really wanted me to take the jacket off I guess that's exactly what he got.

I was getting used to being here. Ever since I had opened up to Jaime, I just decided it was for the best to get to know everyone.

Mike held my jacket up over my head out of reach. He was way too fucking tall and since I was so short, it was obvious I wasn't getting it back any time soon. He was right though, it was really hot out here. I wasn't used to being out in the sun. At home I was a night blogger and hid in my room for the most part. Being at Warped Tour so many days in a row was tiring, but it was time well spent. I had made countless friends and got to meet so many band members that I only would have dreamed of meeting. It was fun helping out in the merch booths. I think the one thing that I never would get used to though was the fact people recognized me from pictures the boys had posted on Instagram. It was weird how people were getting excited to meet little old Skye Johnson from Michigan.

"Mikeeeeee," I whined, "give me my jacket baaaaaaaaaaack!"

"No! You'll just put it back on! You're not having another heat stroke out here!"

"I promise to leave it in the chair!" I swore, holding up my hands in defeat. "Scouts honor!"

He tossed the jacket at me and I sat it in the chair just like I had promised Mike I would. I was kind of glad he had taken it from me, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell him that. He was not getting the satisfaction that I didn't want to wear the jacket.

I went back to work, selling shirts and other merchandise after Mike ran off for sound check. I didn't see too much of the guys all at once, they'd drop by here and there when they weren't busy to check up on me and at that moment in time it was Mike. I wasn't alone working in the merch booth though. There was another girl with me and her name was Tori. Tori and I didn't talk much at first, but soon it was starting to seem like she and I were going to be best friends for the summer. She was a lot taller than me and she had such a stunning personality. Her hair was kept short and black, except for the front which was a nice and vibrant shade of blue. I had always been so scared to talk to her because I was afraid that she didn't like me or something. I was always like that when it came to meeting new people.

Now, though I had Tori working with me when it came to Pierce the Veil's merch booth, I had someone else working with me when it came to Sleeping With Sirens. Her name was Leda. Surprisingly, she was two inches shorter than me (let me remind you that I am 5 foot 4 inches tall ok) and beautiful. She had long, dark brown hair and was as thin as a bean pole. She wore thick frame glasses and had the tendency to hide behind them so to speak. She was shy. REALLY shy. Working in the merchandise career in a place like this was something that didn't exactly suit her. She'd stumble over her words and just look at me as if she wanted me to come and save her, which for the most part I did; when I was there at least. She, Tori, and myself became thick as thieves. I loved it. I loved everything about this summer so far.

"Hey Skye, seems like Mike finally got you out of that jacket," Tori chuckled, pointing at my bare arms.

"So what?! It's fucking hot out here."

"Be still my beating heart, did Skye Johnson just say it was hot?" Tori said with fake surprise holding her clenched hand over her chest.

"Yes, I did so shut the fuck up! You all win!" I rolled my eyes.

"Tony owes me money," I heard her mumble under her breath.

"Now what was that?" I asked, turning to face her.

"We made a bet on how long it would take for you to admit it was too hot to live in that jacket of yours," she admitted, "I bet that you'd admit before you left, but Tone was so sure you were stubborn enough to keep it on no matter how much pestering it caused. So he owes me 20 bucks."

I started laughing to the point of my sides hurting. They were betting money on me?! That had to of been the funniest thing I had ever heard in my entire life.

"What's so funny?!" she demanded.

"YOU GUYS!" I blurted out once the laughter had subsided a bit.

She pat me on the head, "There there, calm down."

"I am calm!" I said, flailing my arms.

We broke into another laughing fit, this time in front of a huge crowd of people that had magically formed in front if the table. I quickly sold them everything that they wanted while they stared at Tori and me. All it did was make us laugh harder. I honestly felt so at home here. For the first time ever I fit in. I was so happy about that.

I picked up my phone that was sitting on the jacket that I had left in the fold out chair to see if Leda needed any help across the venue.

Me: yo you ok over there or do you want me to come help a bit? i think tori can handle herself for now.

Leda: i'm getting mobbed help omg

Oh Leda, always getting herself into a mess of trouble.

"Tori! Leda needs help! I'll be back in a bit, alright?"

She waved me off telling me to go help Leda. She was probably freaking out because she was swarmed with so many people. She wasn't the best people person in the world.

I made my way over there and immediately took over as Leda continuously thanked me for coming to her rescue. I pat her on the head telling her it was my job.

Tori and Leda knew that I wasn't going to be there the entire tour. I wondered what they, especially Leda, were going to do without me! Everything seemed to fit nicely into place. It scared me that in a matter of weeks it would just be nothing more than a dream.

A/N: I'm sorry this is so short omg. I'm trying to stretch things out a bit. I'll update again soon I promise though. This was kinda just a filler. Okay omg I love you all so much, thanks for reading! <3

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