Chapter 3 - "In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411"

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All my fears and nightmares came true as my car broke down on the side of the road. I had absolutely no idea where I was! How was anyone else going to find me? I punched the steering wheel in anger, wincing from the sudden pain it caused. I'm the smartest cookie ever, I thought. Sighing I grabbed my phone trying to figure out who the hell to call. Rachel didn't even where I was. I was getting so caught up in everything on my trip I kept forgetting to keep her updated on my location in case something like this were to happen. It was my own fault I guess. I shouldn't have expected such an old car to make it on a trip like that. Looking through my contacts twice, I finally stopped at one in particular that I didn't even realize was there. I hadn't entered it and the last time I checked, I didn't know of anyone else having my phone but me in the last few weeks. All the contact was named was "In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411." That wasn't going to help anything! 411 was information not emergency! Then it hit me. It wasn't telling me to call 411. That was the title of a Sleeping with Sirens song. I was an idiot and in my panic didn't realize that it was just a clue for help. I touched the contact information and all that was listed was a phone number. 

'Well, it's better than nothing," I said to myself, sighing again. I wondered who on earth would answer as the phone rang a few times before finally, the one person that I least expected to answer picked up on the other end.

"Hello?" Kellin said into the receiver.

"KELLIN WHAT THIS IS YOUR NUMBER IT'S SKYE PLEASE WHATEVER GOD THERE IS REMEMBER WHO I AM AND TELL ME WHY YOUR NUMBER IS IN MY PHONE" I shouted in panic. I wasn't expecting for anyone to answer, let alone it be Kellin Quinn for fucks sake. 

"Skye? What's going on? I remember you don't worry. I put my number in your phone when I was trying to find out your information,” he half chuckled.

“What, are you serious?” I asked him.

            “Yes, but it’s a really long story to explain why,” he said. What on Earth was going on? I was so confused.

            “Anyway Kellin, I am in huge trouble, oh my god.”

He asked what had happened and I explained to him that my car broke down on the highway. He asked what state I was in and I told him. Lucky enough for me, he was there as well. I was asked a few more questions and Kellin decided that he knew where I was and told me to get all of the things in my car packed up and ready to go; that he’d be there to get me in about 20 minutes. I was pretty much shocked, but whatever floats his boat I guess. I wondered what was going to happen to my car and me for that matter. I didn’t have enough money to get whatever was wrong with it fixed and make it back to Michigan. I only had about 450 dollars left and that had to get me to Rachel’s in Kentucky and then back home to Michigan. I sighed and did as Kellin said and threw all my things back into my duffel bags. I stacked my pillows on top of them and rolled up the sleeping bag that had slid sideways off the seat.

            I had everything ready as I saw a white van drive past me and slow down and park in front of me. I knew it was Kellin, since on the back window of the van there was an undertow in white. A few moments later, Kellin hopped out of the front seat of the van and started to walk over to my now not so lovely El Camino. I jumped out before he got all the way to me and hugged him and practically knocked him over. I kept apologizing for being an inconvenience and thanking him for coming to rescue me. I was seriously about to break down into tears. Everything was catching up with me and I was just so overwhelmed I could have just laid down in the road or something because I just didn’t know what to do.

            “You’re not an inconvenience, Skye, and you’re welcome,” he smiled at me. Wow oh boy here come the waterworks.

            “Wait, what did I do? Why are you crying? Don’t cry!”

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