Chapter 7

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When Lauren and Ireland figured out what to wear. When Lauren walked out of her room and when Ireland walked out of Luke's room they were wearing the same thing. So they walked downstairs to see if the guys notice. Ireland said so what do you think of our outfits? Michael said you and Lauren are wearing the same thing. Lauren said I know. Then when Orleans heard her phone ring she was blushing because she had where ever you are for her ring tone. Calum said Ireland is that your phone. Ireland said yeah I told you guys earlier I am a fan but I am not that crazy. Lauren saw who it was and she was shocked. Lauren answered it for Ireland. Lauren said never call her again. Lauren said Ireland it was your ex. Ireland said I have to change my number I guess. Then Michael said are you guys ready? They all said yes and got in the car. Of course Ashton is the driver because he is the only one you can drive. When the got to the carnival they spilt up in twos Michael and Calum Ashton and Lauren and Ireland and Luke. Lauren said so Ashton what should we do first? Ashton said how about a roller coaster? Lauren said okay. But I really want that stuff unicorn so I can brag about to Michael. Ashton said okay come on then. They over there to were you had to knock down 3 pins three time. Ashton knock them down three time and won the stuff unicorn. Then Luke and Ireland when a big teddy bear that was blue and Calum and Michael just ate the whole time.

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