Chapter 9

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The next morning when Lauren got up she went to Luke's room that was right next door to see if Ireland was up to go to Starbucks for the guys and them. Lauren went Luke's room and went to where Ireland was sleeping and said Ireland do you want to come with me? Ireland said sure and got out of bed. Lauren and Ireland got their shoes and they didn't get dress. They just got in the car and went to Starbucks. When they got there they order got their drinks and left. When they got to the house the boys were already up. Luke said were did you two go? Lauren said we went to Starbucks and got you guys drinks. They said okay. Then Lauren passed out the drinks to everyone. Then Lauren and Ireland got their phones and Enron Instagram. When they went on the guys Instagram they found pictures they don't remember taking. Lauren yelled saying who the hell room these pictures of us sleeping and posting them on social media? They looked at Luke and went after him. Luke stopped and said I did because I thought my girlfriend and my little sister was cute. They said okay and stopped going after Luke and went in the house.

Brothers best friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن