Chapter 8

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When everyone meet up at the entrance of the carnival they all walked out but Ireland was walking and then fell. They all turned around to see Ireland limping to them. Lauren asked are you okay? Ireland tried to keep tears back but she said no. So Luke picked Ireland up and walked to the car. Ashton was driving home. When they got to the drive way Lauren and Ireland were passed out in the back. So Luke got Ireland and Ashton got Lauren and put them in there pajamas and then put Ireland in Luke's bed and Lauren I her bed. Then they all went to bed. Ashton got on his side of Lauren's bed and kissed her on her temple and wished her a good night and then Lauren cuddle up to Ashton's chest. Luke got in his bed with Ireland and kissed her on the head and said good night and Ireland cuddle up to Luke's chest. Calum and Michael shared a room but different beds.

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