Chapter 25

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When Luke went to the tour bus to find Ireland she was in Michael's bunk crying. Luke said Ireland please listen to me. Ireland said why should I listen to you, you cheated on me. Luke said Ireland I broke up with her a few years ago she stills thinks we are dating but we are not. I'm in love with you Ireland and that's that. Ireland got down from Michael's bunk and went to Luke and hugged him. Ireland said Luke I am sorry can you please forgive me? Luke said yeah and kissed Ireland. Ireland broke the kiss and said you have a show in a few minutes. Luke said Ireland hop on my back I am giving you a piggy back ride back to the stage. When they got back to the stage everyone was there even Aleshia. Ireland said Aleshia leave now Luke doesn't love you he loves me and I love him no leave. Aleshia said Lukey you going to let her talk to me like that? Luke said yup you heard her I love her not you. Aleshia walked and left and never heard from her again. Lauren said Luke and Ireland I am glad you guys mad yup. Ireland said me to.

Brothers best friendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora