Chapter 28

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When they got back on tour because they only had  two more months of tour.

Skip the rest of the tour

When they got back to their houses they all went to see their families to visit. When Lauren Luke and Ireland got to the Hemmings house they walked in. Lauren and Luke knew Ireland's birthday was today. But when they walked in Luke said Ireland happy birthday and Lauren said the same thing. Then their mum and dad came in and hugged Luke and Lauren then Liz said Ireland come here for a family hug. Ireland said this is your family. Liz said you are family so come here. Luke got out of hug and went over to Ireland and said come on get in the hug and kissed her on the lips. Liz said Luke Ireland stop kissing. Liz said why are you kissing her? Luke said we are dating. Liz said okay now get in the hug. They all got in a group hug. Andrew said Luke how long have you been dating Ireland? Luke said since tour started. Lauren said where is Ireland going to go if she has nightmares about her parents not being here and her siblings? Luke said if that does happen she knows where my room is since you been best friends. Lauren said true. Liz said Ireland what do you want to do for your birthday? Ireland said I don't know going out with Lauren and Ashton Calum Luke a and Mikey of they are aloud to go. Andrew said Luke text the guys and see if they can go shopping with Lauren and Ireland. Luke said okay
Luke- hey guys I was wondering if you guys wanted to go shopping with me and Lauren and Ireland?
Calum- sure
Mikey- yes since it is her birthday
Ashton- I am in.
Luke said Ireland Lauren go get ready and I am going to get ready to. When Lauren Ireland Luke go upstairs before Ireland could go in her room Luke got Ireland's hand and pulled her into his room. When they got in the room Luke shut the door and locked it. Luke went to Ireland and kissed her he told her to jump and Ireland did what she was told. Then Ireland wrapped her legs around Luke's waste and and was pinned against the wall. Luke then went to his bed and was hovering over Ireland. Luke said strip. Ireland said I am not comfortable about that. Luke said okay and they went back to kissing until there was a knock. Michael said Luke we know you are in there. Luke said shit Ireland hide. Ireland went under the bed and she forgot her shoes and sweatshirt was there. Luke said hold guys. Luke unlocked the door. Calum Ashton Michael walked in. Ashton said who else is in here? Luke said no one. Calum said why is Ireland's clothes in here? Luke said I was going to give them to her. Michael said check the room until we find someone. Michael checked the closest. Calum checked the other closest. Ashton checked the bathroom. Michael then said under the bed. Michael said Luke are you sure no one else in here? Luke said yeah. Michael then said well it seems your girlfriend is in here. Calum then pulled her out from under the bed. Ashton pointed at Ireland's neck. Ashton said what is that? Michael said its a hickey. Calum said you to were have sex? Luke blushes. Then no one really cared. Then Calum Ashton and Michael pulled Ireland into a birthday hug. Ashton then texted Luke
Ashton- are we still having a birthday party for Ireland tonight?
Luke- yeah my parents are letting us.
Ashton- where is she staying?
Luke- with us my mum and dad are letting her move in with us.
Ashton- so you and Ireland are living together?
Luke- yup so my mum and dad told her to call them mum and dad.
Ashton- okay Michael is like what are we doing we should stop.
Luke- agreed.
Lauren said are you losers expect Ireland ready to go? Michael yelled hell yes. Liz heard him and Michael what did I say about cussing? Michael said not to do it around you guys. Liz said good. Luke texted Liz.
Luke- mum are we still having the party for Ireland?
Liz- yes you guys take her and me and your dad and Ben and Jack will put it together.
Luke- okay love you. They all lefted to go shopping.

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