Chapter 15

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The next day Ashton Michael Calum Luke Lauren and Ireland were off to Dublin Ireland. Michael said Ireland we are going to see you. Ireland started to fake cry. Lauren said Michael what did you do? Michael said all I said was that we were going to see her because her name is Ireland. Lauren said you didn't know but back in school she got made fun if because of her name. Michael said Ireland I am so sorry I didn't know. Then Ireland put her head up and started laughing because she wasn't really crying. Ireland said I wasn't really crying. Michael said oh but why didn't you tell us you got bullied and why are you always wearing long sleeves? Ireland said because it never came up and I don't know. Then Michael pulled her sleeve up and saw scars. Michael said guys come here now it's important. The guys came running in. Luke said what's up. Michael said look at Ireland's wrist. Luke asked why. Michael said just do it. Luke looked at Ireland's wrist and there was scars. Luke said Ireland why didn't you tell us you cut? Ireland dropped her head and looked at her feet. Ireland said because I was bullied and I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would break up with me and you guys hating me as Ireland said crying. The guys said we would never hate you. And Luke said I would never break up with you.

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