Chapter 22

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When Ashton and Calum saw their sisters standing at the bus doors Ireland thought that they were going to fall backwards. Calum said how did you girls get here? Mail said we were in London. Ashton said why did you not tell us you were coming? Lauren Ashton's sister said we wanted to surprise. Calum said how long are you girls staying? Mail said until tomorrow morning. Michael said guys let them in. Calum and Ashton moved out of the way to let them in.
After an hour Lauren Ashton sister and Mali left. Then it was around 4:30pm and Ireland said guys I am so hungry. Lauren said I know you said that about 100 times. Ashton screamed Ireland JUST THE FUCK UP no one cares about you. Ireland said fine. Ireland mumble to her so only she could hear thank god I brought blades with her. Ireland ran in the bathroom with tears in her eyes and locked the door. Luke said way to go Ashton. Ashton said i am so sorry she was getting annoying. The boys and Lauren ran to the bathroom door and they tired to get the door open but it was locked. Calum said this is all your fault. Ashton said guys I have a key to the bathroom. They unlocked the door and Ireland was cutting her wrist. Luke took the blade from Ireland. Ireland looked at Ashton and ran with blood down the cuts. Michael said Ireland come here so we can clean you up. Ireland came walking out. Michael and Luke hold her so they clean the cuts and so Ashton could talk to her. Ireland held on to Luke the whole time Ashton was talking to her. Ashton said Ireland I am so so so so sorry I shouldn't of yelled at you. Ireland said all you hold to do is tell me to be quiet and not say shut the fuck up no like you. Ashton said are we still friends? Ireland said Yes and gave Ashton a hug. Ashton said on more thing. Ireland said what's that? Ashton said give me your wrist. Ireland said okay. Ashton got a marker and drew a butterfly on her wrist where the cuts were. They all went to bed.

Brothers best friendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें