A date with shane

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After a couple days or so, I had gotten to know everyone, or so I thought out of the blue I hear a knock on the door, and Jessie walks in as I walk out of the bathroom.

"We need to talk," Jessie told me.

"What," I said annoyed.

"There is a training center nearby, and I think you should go," he told me carefully.

"what about Shane," I asked quickly not wanting to go.

"He is the one that suggested that you go for some reason," he implied to me.

"Whatever I'll ask him myself," I growled and walked out of the door.

I wondered around for what seemed like an hour and heard walking behind me.

"What are you doing out here," a girl voice said to me.

I swirled around and saw a girl my height looking like Alice off of twilight.

"Vampire," Kara growled

"Hey I'm on your side, I'm Shane's sister, it's a long story," she said quickly putting her hand out for me to sniff. I take my time sniffing her and when I was satisfied I simmered down.

"Ok, sorry, I know you have no reason to trust me but please can we be friends I have no other girls here," she begs me.

"Fine, but I'll be watching you," I said walking away.

When I found what I was looking for I walked in and found Shane talking to a bunch of people.

"What are you doing here," he questioned me.

"To ask a question," I bluntly stated.

"Ok, everybody we will continue this meeting later," Shane said as everybody left and I sat down.

"Ok so as you know Jessie came and told me about training. I need to know why," I asked.

"You don't need to know that," Shane said angrily.

"Fine I will find out, but whatever, I met your sister," I said changing the subject.

"Uh oh, her name is lily she was turned to a vampire when she was 10 mom and dad was devastated," Shane said.

"I'm sorry," I said sympathetically.

"Yea well don't tell her that, anyways would you like to go on a date with me," Shane asked.

"Yea why not," I agreed.

"Yay, a date, we got to go shopping," a girl voice said behind me.

I turned to see it was lily Shane's sister.

"Yea, you do that tomorrow, so both of you can bond and I'll pick you up at 8:00 pm. Here's my card," Shane mentioned and handed me his card.

"Thanks bro.," lily thanked him and she took off again.

"Sorry, she does that," Shane said to me.

I giggled and turned out, I finally got to my room, and went and took a shower.

The next morning I get ready and koba pops up.

"Where have you been," I asked.

"Necklace," he states.

"How," I ask.

"That's where I stay when its given to my master or whatever," he said leaning against a wall.

"Oh, well I have to go shopping for a date tonight," I told him.

"What about me," he asked me with a little jealousy.

"As long as you stay in the necklace, you'll be fine," I said walking out of the door as he disappears.

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