Chapter Sevan

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6 weeks later

Its been 6 weeks since Thomas raped me I told Tori what happed because I couldn't keep it to myself anymore and it was killing me I haven't done anything with Jax since than because it hurts to even move so while Jax is at work I'm going to the doctor to have test done to make sure I don't have anything.

So hear I am in the doctors office trying to find out what to tell the doctor but thankfully he didn't say anything my phone started to buzz when the doctor came in I took a glanz at the name it said it was Jax I'd call him when I got done.

"Ok it looks like you don't have anything but you are pregnant"

Just than my heart dropped into my stomach and I started to tier up it was because this baby didn't belong to the man I loved but his shity ass brother I thanked the doctor and went home and Thomas was their so I decided I'd tell him.

"Hey I'm pregnant with your kid" direct straight to the point

"Theirs no way you are you stupid bitch"

Than he hit me knocking me to the floor he than started kicking me repeatedly I couldn't breathe he continued to hit me he was now beating me and than everything went black I woke to Tori and Shawn shaking me.

"Call 911 now and call Jax now Shawn" Tori orders Shawn and he did.

Shawn's P.O.V

I didnt know what to thank their Becca laied in a pool of blood and I was scared so I looked around the house to see if their was anyone else in the house they must have gone because their was no one their.

"Call 911 and call Jax" Tori orderd

"911 yes please some one come to 128 Woodbury Rd my little sister is in a pool of blood please hurry my girlfriend is trying to keep her awake"

I hung the phone up and dialed Jax's number he didn't answer the first call so I called again and he answed when the ambulance pulled up.

J: hey is that an ambulance
S: yeah you need to come home now man its Becca
J: what do u mean it's Becca Shawn what the fuck happened
S: I don't know me and Tori came home and she was laying in a pool of blood
J: oh god is she ok I'm on my way now

Before he hung up I heard his bike crank I followed the ambulance calling Becca's parents to let them know that we was in the Hospital they got her back and wouldn't let us go so we sat waiting and I held Tori Jax came running in after.

Jax's P.O.V

When I got the call from Shawn I couldn't breathe I done lost my father in the same day and Clay is taking the president at club and he made me VP and my mom came back with him said they went to look for dad and found him dead I was beyond pissed and now my girl is on the way to the hospital I told Clay were I was going and he let me go I came running in Shawn and Tori was in the waiting room.

"What's going on" I said

"We don't know they won't let us back oh god Jax you should have seen the pool of blood and she said your name before she blacked out" Tori said crying into Shawn's chest about that time Becca's parents came in

"Were is our baby" they said

"They won't let anyone back" I said

"What did you do" her father asked me coldy

"Noting sir I love your daughter more than anyone sir shes my rock my everything" I pleaded

"Shh its ok son she loves you to and I believe you son" her mother said hugging me

"The Johnson family" the doctor called

"Hear we her parents"

"Ok well Becca has three broken rids and her face is bruised badly and she had a miscarriage"

We all nodded and she left I couldn't believe she was pregnant I went into her room and I lost it I wanted to find the fucker and rip his heart out i went to her side and held her hand and her beautiful blue eyes fluttered open

"Hi" I said just above a whisper

Sorry for the long wait guys but hear it is:)

The Bad Boy/ Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now