Chapter eight

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Becca's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and Jax was standing their Hi he said just above a whisper I couldn't say anything back I felt so ashamed and unwanted I love Jax with everything in me about that time I put my hand on my stomach

"You miscarried" he said with a panful look

"It wasn't yours Jax" I said he got really mad

"So you cheated on me" he asked coldly

I couldn't believe he was saying that or thanking that I love Jax more than anyone he's the only one iv been with I gave everything to him my first kiss my everything he's the love of my life

"How could you ask me that Jax after everything we have been through the only man I've been with is you Jax" I said crying

"Well than explain the baby than"

"Fine your sorry ass excuse of a brother raped me about a 5 weeks ago Jax all I wanted was you I tried to get away but he tied me to our bed I try so hard to get away I screamed your name but you never came Jax"I said crying

"Oh god Becca I had no idea I'm so sorry I love you so much" he said

"I love you"

Jax's P.O.V

Becca told me my brother raped her I can't believe that how am I supposed to tell her about my dad and me being VP of the club she knows some of the things but when someone hurts the club or the old ladies we have to retaliate but he is my brother and I can't kill him but every part of me feels like I have to she gets out of the hospital to day she's been in hear healing and she's doing good she's strong

"Im so ready to go home" she said sitting up on the bed

"I know darlin just a couple more hours and we can go home"

"What's that on your cut that wasn't their before" she said looking at my vise president badge

"I'm VP of sons of anarchy now my dad died the day you came into the hospital and Clay is now the president and I'm now the VP so I'm in the club"

"So you didn't talk to me about it at all Jax your dad didn't want you in the club and I didn't either did you thank about how I would feel"

"Yes but iv always wanted to be in the club its what I wanted"

"Well are you going to do anything about your brother"

"I can't Rebecca he's my brother"

"So he raps me and your not going to do a damn thing about it just let him go schot free"

"He's my brother"

I wanted to kill him the day she told me but his my brother and I can't kill him I bet the shit out of him that night because he had the nerve to ask me how Becca was that shit pissed me off

*knock knock*

"Come in"

"Your charts look good your healing good so I guess you can go now hear are your discharge papers you can leave when you get dressed"

"Thanks doc" I said

Becca got up and went to the bathroom to change she was really quiet I know she is really pissed or she's thanking really hared

"Let's go home"I said handing her helmet

She put it on and I got on and she got on and we went home when we got their Tig was sitting on the steps with the prospect Becca walked past them and went up stairs

"What's up with her" tigs asked

"She's up set because I'm in the club"

Becca's P.O.V

I went past Tig and the prospect and went up stairs I went to the closet and got my suit case down and started packing my stuff I love Jax more than anyone in this world but I'm not going to get a call from someone telling me the man I love with all my heart is dead no not happening Tori came in and sat on the bed.

"you leaving"

"Yeah I can't stay hear anymore I love Jax so much I don't want hem hurt so I'm leaving"

"Is it because of the club"

"Yeah a little you and Shawn can stay hear as long as you want just because I'm leaving doesn't mean y'all have to leave"

"Thanks but I wish you wouldn't I'm going to miss you but its going to hurt Jax worse"

"I know but I can't do this I can't be an old lady and wake up one bay and someone tells me he's dead I just can't Tori" I said crying

She huged me and left out of my room I started to get the things out of my night stand And put them in my bag I looked at the picture of me and Jax at our senior prom. We looked so happy and I want to go back to when we was happy more than anything.

I got done and grabbed my keys and went down stairs and Jax was sitting on the steps smoking a cig he looked up at me and I closed my eyes and took a breath

"No please don't do this Becca"

"I'm sorry Jax but I'm not going to wake up one day and your mom or someone tell me your dead im just not I love you way to much you mean everything to me"

"I love you to but Rebecca please I love you don't leave me please" he said about to cry

"I can't Jax I love you to much" I said crying

I turned about to go to my car Jax grabbed my arm and our lips crashed together it was a kiss I longed for and I wanted it I wanted it to go further but I couldn't let him pull me back in like that. I pulled away from the kiss and ran to my car and throw my bags in and drove down the rode and pulled over on the side of the rode and cryed uncontrollably I love him so much but it needs to be done.

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