Chapter nine

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2 years later

Becca's P.O.V

Its been two years since I left Jax I talk to Tori every now and than and she says he's doing ok. I'm going home today Im going home because I'm tired of the city my parents aren't in charming anymore they wanted to get away. They gave me their house so the movers are going to be their the day after I get to charming I'm going to try and get a job at st Thomas I had a job offer their.

I haven't heard from Shawn since I left I haven't talked to him in two years and I really miss my brother. My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts I looked at the caller I.d it said Tori

Phone convo
B: hey Tor what's up
T: noting just calling to see when your getting hear I miss you like crazy
B: I know I'm on the bus now and the fist thing is to get a car haha
T: ok haha so about what time you getting hear
B: about Sevan I'm guessing I'll call you I need you to come pick me up ok
T: yeah you know I well girl love you sleep good ok girl
B: yeah I'll try love you to bye
End of convo

Jax's P.O.V

Its been two years since I last seen Becca I miss her so much I just want her back all these girls I been sleeping with don't help because all I see is her. I miss her lips her touch more than anything I miss her smile she ment so much to me.

Know I have a ex wife and a son on the way I was going to ask Becca to be my old lady the weekend she left. I had it planed and I was going to ask her to marry me. Shawn is a new member to SAMCROW we all voted him in last year after he prospected. I tryed talking him out of it but he wanted in so i let him. Tori is now his old lady he told me that he is going to propose to her this weekend.

I am sitting In my set at church talking about our gun dills we all made a decision and Clay banged the gavial. I walked out and saw my mom at the bar I walked over and talked to her. She liked Becca but after she left she'll never forgive her.

"Have you hurd from Windy" my mom asked me

"nope not sinse yesterday why" I asked

"no reason baby ill just go check on her ok" I told her ok and she left in her Cadi.

About 30 minutes later I got a call from her saying windy went to the hospital. I hung up the phone and hopped on my bike and went down their. When I got their they told me they had to do an emergency c section.

The baby was born 10 weeks premature and they are doing surgy on his stomach and heart. I wanted to find the fucker that gave her krank and bet the shit out of them.

"I'm going to find the fucker that give her crank" I sad angrily

"I'm with ya brother" Shawn said

"me to brother" Opie said

We left the hospital to look for them and when I found them I bet the shit out of them. I got back and they told me that he was doing fine on his stomach and they are doing heart surgery tomorrow. I just sat beside him watching him sleeping and thanking about Becca oh how I miss her.

Sorry for it being late but hear it is :)

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