chapter Fifteen

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*5 weeks later*

Becca's P.O.V

Today is so out of control tomorrow is Shawn and Tori's wedding and me and Tera have to go with her for our last minute fitting. Things have been so good with me and Jax he stays at my house a lot I don't mind I love him being their I'm less scared with him their. And Able is doing so much better Jax got to hold him for the first time two days ago and he loved every second of it.

"You didn't forget to tell the photo guy to be at your place in the morning did you B"

"No I didn't Tor just chill relax and let me and Tera worrie about this ok"

"Ok love you guys don't know what I would do with out you"

"Probably go off the deep end" Tera said from the back

We all laugh and I parked in front of the dress shop and we all got out and went in Tori told her appointment was today and they took us to the back. They took Tori back first we waited for a minute and she came back in her dress it was so beautiful she looked really happy to be in that dress and I wanted that.

"Oh Tori you look so beautiful"

"You thank"

"If that boy don't cry I'm going to hit him were the sun doesn't shine" Tera said

They took Tera back then she came back in a orange dress it was strapless and she looked beautiful as well. Then they took me back I put the dress on and walked out they said I looked so beautiful. My dress was light brown I felt beautiful in it as well the women helping us with our dresses asked if we wanted some of her cheese and crackers.

I took two bits and I ran to the bathroom to throw up I have been like that for the past couple weeks. I was helping one of the Doctors with a surgery and I had to live because I felt so sick to my stomach. I sleep a lot more than I usually do my Brest hurt to I came out of the bathroom and Tera and Tori gave me a look and they new then that I was ready to go.

Tori told the women we was ready to go she payed for our dresses and we got our dresses and put them in my car. I than drove to the drug store to get a test because come to thank about it I haven't had my monthly. I got out and the girls followed me I went to the pregnancy test and got three.

"Um what's that for B" Tera asked

"Wait your not are you" Tori asked

"Will for the past couple of weeks I have thrown up iv been sleeping a lot more than usual my damn Brest hurt I won't let Jax touch them because they hurt so much and I haven't started this month"  I let out they was just staring at me like I was stupid then they both got a test

"Just to be sure" they both said

We went to the casher about that time Gemma walked in and I felt really sick to my stomach. She put the test in the bag and she was watching but didn't say anything I hope she don't say anything to Jax because I don't even know yet. We thank the cashier and we left.

A few minutes later I pulled up to my house and a lot of people was their because I told Tori she could use my back yard for her wedding. Jax Shawn and Tera's boyfriend named Cody was standing outside talking and I had know idea how to get the test past them. We got out and the guys came over to use Shawn went to Tori Cody went to Tera than Jax to me.

"Hey beautiful I missed you all day today"

"I missed you to mr"

Thank goodness he didn't ask about what was in the bag and I'm glad he didn't. We told the guys that we was going to go check on stuff but we was really going to take my test. We went up the stairs to my room we put our dresses on the bed and I went in to the bathroom to pee on the sticks.

We waited for what seemed like forever the timer dinged and I looked at all five of the sticks they all said positive I got sick and threw up again.


"B are you ok what did they say" Tera asked I got the sticks and walked out and showed them

"Oh B what are you going to do" Tera asked

"I'm going to keep it T I love Jax and its his for sure I know this time"  I said

"Are you going to tell him" Tori asked

"No not now I'm not going to still your thunder Tor"

"Ok will let's throw these away and get stuff ready for your wedding Tor" T said happily

I didn't want to bother them with what I was feeling because I was scared I didn't know how I was going to tell Jax. He already has one son I don't know if he wants another kid in his life right now we was about to live and Gemma was at the door.

"Can I talk to you alone please"

"Yeah T and Tor you guys go ahead and finish helping set up ok and I'll be down in a minute ok"

"Yeah alright" they said closing the door

"Ok look I'm sorry for all the stuff I said to you before and I see how happy you make Jax and how you are with Abel and I think you'll be a good mom to him and what did they say"

"Will thanks Gemma im glad you see how happy he is and what did what say"

"Don't play dumm with me iv seen you hear lately and I saw you at the drug store"

"They was positive and I'm scared Gemma"

"I knew it are you going to tell him and why would you be baby girl"

"Because he already has a son what if he doesn't want another kid in his life right now"

"Now you look hear Jax loves you more than anything and I see that now and he loves Able and I'm sure he'll love his unborn child as well now you stop stressing and get your ass down their and help with this beautiful wedding"

I laughed and she huged me out of no where after we talked I went down stairs to finish helping set up. I seen Jax and went behind him and slapped him on his butt he laughed and went on about what he was doing. We finely finished around 11 and every one was gone Tera and Cody went to her parents house to see them and stay the night I told them to be back at five.

Shawn went to stay at the club at his dorm I told him to be back at the same time. Then Tori stayed with me and Jax in the guessed room I decided to take a bath and relax after a stressful day I washed up and got out Jax was laying on his stomach reveling his sons of anarchy tat he looked so sexy. I got on a par of shorts and a tank top and layed beside him but I turned on my side a few minutes later Jax jumped up and grabbed me and started tickling me.

"Stop Jax" I said laughing

"Say you love me and I'll stop"

"Fine I love you so much"

"Good girl" he said and kissed me

He layed on his side and pulled me close to his chest he was happy I could see it in his eyes he was happy I was back he's happy Able's home he came home the other day and I love it. I finally feel asleep after a little bet.

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