Chapter Seventeen

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Becca's P.O.V

I woke up in Jax's bed my arm was in a sling I looked around the room and I couldn't find Jax. I saw two pills on the night stand and a glass of water I didn't take them because of the baby So I didn't take them. I had to pee so I got up but the door opened and Jax came in.

"You shouldn't be up darlin"

"I know but I got to pee"

He helped me to the bathroom and waited for me to finish

"So how long have I been out"

"About two days"

"How do you feel baby"

"My shoulder Still hurts"

"I put some meds by the bed you didn't take them"

"I can't Jax" I said wiping and pulling my pants up

"And why not"

"I just can't"

"Becca tell me why you can't"

I walked passed him into the bedroom and walked passed him.

"Because Jax I'm pregnant and yes its yours I know for a fact its yours"

"I knew that I found the PT in your bathroom trash the day of Shown and Tori's wedding"

"Jax I was going to tell you I just didn't know how with all that's on your mind right now with Able just getting out of the hospital and the gun stuff you got into I didn't know if you wanted another kid right now or with me"

"Becca I love you so damn much and you can't see it if you would have told me I wouldn't turn away and yeah Able just got out of the hospital and he's got the greatest mom in the world and so as fare as the gun stuff its my business my stress I would never put that on you or our baby and this baby will be loved just as much as Able" he said putting his hand on my stomach

He leaned down and kissed me iv missed his kiss more than anything I love this man so much and our unborn child it was getting really heated but someone knocked on the door.

"Yeah" Jax said coldly

"I came to get you we are in the church now its good to see you up B I'll send Tori to keep you company ok" Opie said

"Yeah OK I'll be there in a minute OK op"

"OK I'll tell Clay"

He left and shut the door and he kissed me again and this time Tori came in telling him that he had to get to the meeting so he piked my lips and left.

"Oh Tori your lip and eye I'm so sorry T"

"Its ok B it wasn't your fault and you got shot on top of the busted lips" she said pointing to my shoulder

We talked for a long time and Tera came in after a little while with some toylonal for my shoulder pain. I want more for it but I don't want to hurt the baby so this will have to do.

Today Tori had on a pair of shorts and a crop top and her red hair was curly. Tera also had on shorts and a crop top but her blonde hair was in a missy bun. I felt like shit because I was in my pajama shorts and the matching tank top and my hair was all over the place so I put it up in a messy bun.

We was in the room talking and we desiceded to go see our guys we walked down the hall and passed jax's dad's old bike. I love his bike I love the color of it we didn't see them in the club house so we went outside.

We found them outside smoking I walked up to Jax and he wraped hes arm around my waist and I put my arm around his neck and I leand down and kissed him. Tori went to Shawn and huged and kissed him and Tera did the same. Than out of no where the ATF showed up and swormed us.

"Get down now"

They all got down they slammed them down on the ground one slammed Jax.

"You don't have to slamme him down like that he is doing what you said" I screamed than he pussed me out of they way luckily Gemma was behind me.

"Get your fucking hands off her you son of a bitch" Jax tried to hit him as they pulled him up

I walked up to Jax and huged him for a minute I looked behind him and saw that Gemma was hugged and kissed him. Tori was crying and kissing Shawn Tera was crying and kissing Cody. I started to cry after I watched all the boys getting in the big turck Jax was last to get in because I was still hugging him.

"I'm so sorry baby I didn't know this would happen I love you so so much please don't cry"

"I already am I love you Jax"

He pulled away and kissed me than Gemma huged him than they louded him up Gemma came up to me and put her arm around me then Tori was on her other arm and I had Tera.

"I know its hard girls but we have each other well get throw this I promise"

I was glad Gemma was their I don't know what I would do if she or Tori or Tera wasn't hear I'm starting to worm up to Gemma. Chibs showed up after the turck pulled out.

"No no girls I'm so sorry come here" he said in his English accent he huged us all we all went back in after we got through crying

I saw Anita with Able so I went and got him from her and told her she could go home for the night. I got a bottle for him and I went to Jax's room I held Able he started to fuss so I gave him his bottle and he ate.

I felt lost without Jax he's my everything and I see that now I love him more than anything. I finished feeding Able he feel asleep so I layer him down than I took some more mids for my shoulder and I layed down with Able and I feel asleep.
The picture at the top is the girls outfits and their hair I'm going to do stuff like that just so you guys know what their outfits are like depending on who's in the chapter.

Don't forget to vote guys bye love you guys


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