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January 29th 2016 |9:46 PM |

I never really enjoyed the concept of journaling with pages starting with "Dear [whatever the hell you called the book]". Well, saying "never" might be a lie. I did keep track of my life in the form of journaling, until the age of maybe 12 or 13, but with time I realized that I'd rather get to it the short and simple way or the poetic way.

I never called my writing "journaling" and for a while, I never bothered documenting my life at all. But I think I should now. I owe it to myself.

It's a shit hill. My life has become a shit hill.

I thought I was done with it all, but it's gotten worst. So, I've decide to start documenting all that is to happen. I resented journaling not a few months ago because I saw no reason to remember things I could never forget, but I feel that what will happen, has happened before. That this story, or tragedy, is worth saving for the ones I may not be able to tell the story to, I think.

It's a shit hill. My life is a shit hill.

A hill I'm not climbing on my own. I just hope all climbers will be by my side, when we descend the slippery fall.

S. R.

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