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Chapter 6

I know that I do not have the right to be mad about a 92% in a chemistry exam, but the reason why I lost points is so annoying and I studied so goddamned hard for that exam.

"Don't you dare frown," Aaron calls out from his seat beside Kim a table away from mine that I slowly walk back to.

I stick a tongue out and he answers in a grimace.

An old friend of mine, Jean, that I know since the very beginning of middle school, is now my lab partner in chemistry. We used to be best friends with two other girls and we formed a quartet we thought would never break. I stayed relatively close with Mary since we were in the same enriched class for all four years, but with Jean and Elena, after Sophomore year, we started to distance ourselves. All four of us. This year, I've gotten closer with both of them.

There's something in the senior year air I guess.

"What did you get?" Jean asks as I get close enough to our seat after having gotten the grade at the teacher's desk.

"92. I'm okay with it," I start as I sit down. "But my mistake was the question where we had to put the gases in order of lowest diffusion speed to highest. It was the easiest question. I can't see my copy, because some people didn't do the exam yet."

Teachers always do this. They never change the exam questions, but do everything else so we won't be able to give them answers.

"At least it's 92%."

"No, I know. Of course. I'm not mad at all."

I wait for everyone to go get their grades. My two hilarious Filipino friends that sit in front of me always react in the funniest way whether it's a good grade or not. Jean gets a good one. Aaron gets the same as her and Kim as well. It takes another five minutes before our teacher starts with the next portion of the chapter on kinetic energy with gases.

When class is over, I run down to the second floor where I still have to meet with my math and french teacher. I've had to see all of my nine teachers this week to see what I'll miss while Nathan and I are in Venice.

Mr. Keegan makes a couple of jokes and teases me about not letting me leave. After a good five minutes, he then seriously lets me know about the new theories and exams I'll be missing.

On the way to my french teacher's classroom, I stop by the other senior math teacher who is my supervisor for my tutoring. She is the teacher of a junior I'm supposed to tutor. I'm supposed to complete 10 hours of tutoring as a requisite to get the diploma that recognizes me in the enriched program.

Once that talk is over, I have a similar talk with my french teacher. I get the next book we're supposed to read. I get it early, because I'll be back by the time we have to take the exam so I need to start working at it now. Well, I know what I'll be doing on the plane.

As I run downstairs to my locker before the next class starts, I run into Nathan.

"Hey," he says smoothly.

"Hi," I say slowly getting closer to his face as we stand on the stairs. We have moment, but I tease him and don't let him kiss me.

"I have to get to my locker," I whisper before gstting ready to dodge his protest. He quickly grabs my arm.

"Don't you have to see Mr. Rick too?"

"Yeah, I'm going to do that later. I need to get to Physics now."

"Martin already gave me a free pass. Go get one too. You'll miss a good 15 minutes of your class," he says with a smirk.

I give in. If Martin, our hall supervisor, let him, he'll let me too. I slowly walk to my locker. On the way, Nathan stops Martin and gets a pass for me too. He then joins me at my locker, helps me with the books I have to carry and almost dropped, because we aren't allowed to carry bags in our classes. A joy.

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