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Chapter 2

It's already been another two weeks since school started.

After that first incident with Mr. Kutner, on the first day, no one has questioned Nathan, Aaron and I out loud. People have tried, but we have pushed them off so many times that they slowly realized, without really saying anything, that they were wrong.

During these two weeks, Nathan and I have had many appointments and interruptions in our normal back-to-school rehabilitation.

With police; Officer Rogers, who was coincidentally put on our case again, came over many times to let us know where they were heading on the investigation. We are now removed from the suspect list, so is the whole team, but they do still have an eye on us for safety (ours and theirs). No signs of Rodrigo, or anyone else in his team that we told them about, have been seen. The biggest reason why we do not have criminal records though is because our crimes were comitted in other states. We're their responsibility and they seem to have no idea it was us. Maybe they're hiding it because of what these people did. The CEO's death was only talked about for a day and Sonia's death wasn't even mentioned in the news.

With medical doctors; many nurses have done random home visits, but Nathan and I were the only ones scheduled for monthly hospital visits for the three months after we came back. The first day back though, Violet who was the only one hurt amongst the rest of the group, was given painkillers and is now fine.

Our first monthly check was a few days ago. Everything seems to be going well. All my wounds have healed correctly. No debris of any weapons or inner damage has been left. I'm not sure about how Nathan is healing but it seems fine. We still have to go for the check up though.

With therapists; We have had to visit a therapist twice a week. I bailed for the two first weeks and since I wouldn't cooperate, Nathan didn't go either. Not like he was so fond of the idea either. Nathan and I were the only ones who were advised to have these therapeutic sessions. Therapeutic my ass. Just the thought of being forced to heal faster than I can pisses me off and makes me close down. But she was very nice and made me want to talk about it. Nathan too.

So, Nathan was diagnosed with Self-Inflicted Anger disorder and I was diagnosed with Acute Stress disorder. The pills have been helping and the routine also. But I hate being medicated.

And so, aside from that, these last two weeks have been great. Zoey and I are getting closer and closer. Classes are great and I have teachers that I love. Nonjudgmental people are in my classes which is a godsend. Nathan and I have gone out a couple of times, but I don't know if anyone knows what's really going on. Layla is a year ahead and finished her early orientation before joining us when we came back from Arizona. She started her fall semester at Harvard a month ago. She visited last weekend, for Labor Day, and Aaron went back to Boston with her for a few days.

"Are you okay?" Violet asks. I realize that I've been staring at the calendar on my laptop, for who knows how long, organizing in my head what has happened and when it did.

"Are you doing it again?" she says. "Sam, no matter how many times you look at that calendar, the events that occurred will never change."

I straighten my leg on the chair in front of me. I look at her cut vegetables for a salad on the kitchen counter on my left.

"I know, Vi. I'm just amazed at how fast everything has happened."

She nods.

"Oh, you can add another event to the calendar," she says throwing away the tips of the cucumbers she cut.


She stares at me with a fierce look. It's taking all of her strength to say this.

"My dad's funeral. It's in a month exactly."

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