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Chapter 18

"Do you children think you can get past me? Wilder is no better than any of you either."

He stands up behind his desk. He buttons his grey suit and circles the desk.

"This is over. I was going to let you spend time with your families before I ended you. But you have disobeyed me!" he yells.

"This is ends here," he continues calmly. "This ends now. And that goes for you too, Wilder."

In the corner of my eye, I see Dareen shake his head. I lock eyes with Vi, standing in between us, terrified. I try to reassure her with a nod, but I don't think anything could control her anxiety.

Still with my back to him, I see Rodrigo pull a knife out of its sheath that he had hidden. I hope Nathan can keep himself from shooting him. He needs to for the sake of the plan. I just wish the plan would go along quicker.

"What are you goin' to do, hijo?"

At that word, I turn my head around to make sure Nathan has kept himself calm. Rodrigo is calling him "son" on purpose. He wants to remind Nathan that he took away the person that could have truly called him that.

I turn my head around just a bit to see Nathan twist his neck, trying to shake the anger off.

I turn my eyes back on Rodrigo's men. The next step of the plans need to come sooner. I can almost hear my heart beating out of my chest. My breathing speeds up.

I hear Rodrigo's footsteps. From what I can see in the mirror, I think he's approaching Nathan still with his knife at hand.

"Let's start with that jawline of yours."

I close my eyes for a second. This guy has a knife in his hand. He is saidstic and he hates us. What is he going to do to Nathan?

I open my eyes just in time. Men with FBI jackets swarm into Rodrigo's office like an army of bees. They quickly surround everything while having us as allies in the center of it all.

I huge sigh of relief escapes from my mouth.


A man, whom I assume as their captain, places himself next to Nathan, facing Rodrigo. He is only two or three inches taller than Nathan, but an inch or so shorter than Rodrigo.

Well, not now that he's falling to his knees.

I look at him. His behaviour is extremely puzzling. Why would he give up so easily?

There was once I time I could not keep my eyes on Rodrigo, but now, I keep looking at him. I stare into his grey eyes trying to figure out what he is planning. As he's bending down to the ground, almost with both his knees on the floor, he looks back at me, dead in the eyes, and with a smirk, he winks at me.

My heart stops. I don't know what he has planned but we need to stop him.

"Get him!" I yell. "Now!"

Nathan jumps on him immediately. The knife Rodrigo had hidden drops to the ground when Nathan pulls his arms tightly behind him. The captain comes around and handcuffs him. His men don't go down without a fight, but with Darren and I and the army of men in bulletproof vests, we manage to get a grip on them.

Once every single one of them is handcuffed, they walk out acknowledging us with a nod of the head. The captain, being the last one to leave, takes a hand off Rodrigo for a second to shake Darren's hand.

When they all leave, all four of us are left in the room. I run over to Nathan.

"Are you okay?" I grab him by the face, unconsciously running my thumb over his jawline.

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